Chapter 1 What Is Action Research?
1.1 What is action research?
1.2 Why should I do action research? I'm a teacher not a researcher!
1.3 What are the steps in action research?
1.4 How is AR different from other kinds of research?
1.5 Is action research the same as reflecting on your teaching?
1.6 Summary point
Chapter 2 Plan - Planning the Action
2.1 Finding your focus
2.2 Developing and refining your questions
2.3 Getting permission and covering ethical issues
2.4 Preparing your resources and materials
2.5 Summary point
Chapter 3 Act - Putting the Plan into Action
3.1 Collecting your data
3.2 Observing and describing: What do I need to see?
3.3 Asking and discussing: What do I need to know?
3.4 Cross-checking and strengthening the information
3.5 Summary point
Chapter 4 Observe - Observing the Results of the Plan
4.1 Preparing for data analysis
4.2 Analysing and synthesising qualitative data
4.3 Analysing and synthesising quantitative data
4.4 Validity in action research: Making sure your conclusions are trustworthy
4.5 Summary point
Chapter 5 Reflect - Reflecting and Planning for Further Action
5.1 Reflecting in the AR cycle
5.2 Planning the next steps
5.3 Sharing with others
5.4 On with the action!
5.5 Summary point
5.6 Final words
Postscript: Action Research in Action
Developing learners' self-assement skills
Watching to learn or learning to watch
Further Reading and Resources