Unit1 環球經濟 GLOBAL ECONOMY VOA Global economic ills 全球經濟疲軟 2 VOA Sequestration budget cuts hitting defense contractors 美國減赤影響國防項目承包商 4 BBC Oil wars between Sudan and South Sudan 兩個蘇丹打石油戰 6 VOA Sequester 美國「財政懸崖」 8 VOA Industry chiefs see growing diversity of US fuel 產業領袖預見美國燃料的多樣化增長 10 VOA Mobile banking services in Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亞的移動銀行 12 VOA S. Korean street activism against US beef 韓國街頭示威,抗議進口美國牛肉 14 BBC America』s strongest economic growth 美國——經濟大佬強勢回歸 16 CNBC Monti likely to step aside 意總理蒙蒂或辭職 18 VOA India』s auto industry hit hard by lagging economy 經濟滯后重創印度汽車業 20 CNN Greek middle classes are disappearing 希臘消失的中產階級 22 CNN Japanese economy in downturn 日本經濟也被「輻射」了 24 VOA Some Iraq is profit, most suffer 伊拉克民眾生活「水火兩重天」 26 VOA Growth with resilience in Africa 非洲的「彈性增長」 28 VOA Kitchen of the world and agro-chemicals 「世界廚房」存安全隱患 30 VOA US economy grew at slower pace 美國經濟增長乏力 32 VOA Global economy rebounds, not in Europe 全球經濟反彈,歐洲躑躅不前 34 VOA Africa』s Pulse 非洲速度 36 NPR British economy goes into recession 英國經濟持續低迷 38 VOA Zimbabwe』s debt 津巴布韋債務問題 40 NPR Obama』s new plan 奧巴馬的新計划 42 VOA A look back at American economy in2012 2012年美國經濟回眸 44 PBS Why Americans quit looking jobs? 為什麼美國人放棄找工作? 46 VOA Europe』s efforts to solve its economic crisis 歐洲國家奮力擺脫經濟危機 48 VOA WB and IMF try to eliminate extreme poverty 世界銀行及國際貨幣基金組織設法消除極端貧困 50 CNN Four suspects haunting US economic recovery 四大疑點制約美國經濟復蘇 52 VOA Lagarde claimed global financial crisis has eased 拉加德稱全球財政威脅緩和 54 NPR Hands off Cyprus 別碰塞浦路斯 56
Unit2 金融地產 FINANCE & PROPERTY CNN Bold moves from the Bank of Japan 日本央行大膽往前走 60 BBC New rules pushed by central banks 防金融危機復發,各國央行推新規 62 BBC Facebook shares plummet to new low 臉譜網股價創新低 64 BBC ECB unveils bond-buying program 歐洲央行推債券新方案 66 VOA Kenya real estates』 boom threatens prime farmland 肯尼亞房地產熱潮威脅基本農田 68 CRI Signing of a currency-swap agreement 中南簽訂300億美元貨幣互換協議 70 BBC HSBC involves in money laundering 匯豐身陷洗錢漩渦 72 BBC European Union agreed to release new loan to Greece 歐盟向希臘發放新貸款 74 VOA Global economic recovery is still bumpy 全球經濟復蘇:路漫漫其修遠兮 76 VOA BRICS hope to establish the BRICS Bank 金磚五國希望建立「金磚銀行」 78 PBS Devastating loss led JPMorgan Chase executive to resign 摩根大通巨虧,英國公司總裁辭職 80 NPR Federal Reserve continue to keep up Easing Policy 美聯儲繼續維持寬松政策 82 NPR Fed dedicate to buying another round of bond 美聯儲購買按揭債券 84 NPR Eurozone bailed out struggling Spain 歐元區施援困境中的西班牙 86 CNN Romney』s estate planning strategy 羅姆尼的遺產規划 88 NPR American home sales remain sluggish 美國房地產持續低迷 90 Marketplace Dow hits new high, erasing crisis swoon 道瓊斯指數創下新高:危機感消除 92 Marketplace Good for would-be homeowners? 真的對購房者有利嗎? 94 Marketplace Banks get the Fed』s diagnosis 美聯儲為銀行「把脈」 96 PBS Cyprus in banking crisis 塞浦路斯銀行危機 98 VOA Spain in recession, austerity in question 西班牙經濟衰退,歐洲質疑緊縮政策 100 VOA Republic candidates plan to increase budget deficit 共和黨候選人欲增加預算赤字 102 Marketplace Is the housing recovery leaving too many behind? 樓市恢復,將更多人拒之門外? 104 Marketplace Behind the ATM: Bank of America wants you to come back the actual bank 自動櫃員機背后:美國銀行想讓顧客回歸真實銀行 106 Marketplace The jumbo mortgages are back 大額房貸重新回歸 108 Marketplace Wall Street revives foreclosed homes as rentals 華爾街投資者變沒收房為租房 110 Marketplace The construction lumber was also rising 建築木材水漲船高 112 Marketplace Real estate is back, but where are the workers? 房地產復蘇,但建築工在哪兒? 114 CNN Three effects of global financial crisis 全球金融危機的三個影響 116 NPR Bernanke defending the Fed』s bond-buying program 伯南克為美聯儲債券購買計划辯護 118 Marketplace Rethinking how the inflation rate is calculated 重新思考:如何得出通貨膨脹率 120
Unit3 商業貿易 COMMERCE & BUSINESS BBC EU and US to start free trade talks 歐盟與美國將啟動自由貿易談判 124 VOA American automakers courts Russian market 美國汽車企業進軍俄羅斯市場 126 VOA Gun buyback in USA 美國槍支回購 128 BBC Napoleon』s Moscow Kremlin letter auctioned 拿破侖下令炸克里姆林宮的信件被拍賣 130 BBC Horsemeat firm partially resumes operations 「馬肉風波」始作俑者復部分業務 132 NPR Black Friday—shopping frenzy in US 美國「黑色星期五」上演購物狂潮 134 NPR Gasoline rations in New Jersey 新澤西州汽油限購 136 BBC EU mobile roaming costs to fall 歐盟國際長途資費或下調 138 VOA Burma hopes to return to American textile industry 緬甸紡織業盼重返美國市場 140 VOA Syrians ferry needed goods from Iraq 敘利亞人跋涉至伊拉克購買必需品 142 VOA US Promotes Pacific Trade Pact 美國力推亞太貿易協定 144 VOA South Africa legalize rhino trade 南非犀牛貿易合法化 146 VOA A Korean company—making coins for several countries 韓國為他國造幣 148 VOA EU oil embargo on Iran goes into effect 歐洲對伊朗實施石油禁運 150 VOA Counterfeit goods exceeds drug trade 全球假冒產品數量超過毒品 152 BBC Oversized soda ban 大瓶軟飲或被禁售 154 BBC The world』s biggest「French kiss」 世界最大的「法式熱吻」 156 Marketplace Exploring how the economy works in real life 探索經濟在現實中如何運作 158 VOA Fuel prices put pressure on airline profits 油價高漲影響航空業 160 VOA Surface is unveiled Surface初露「芳容」 162 NPR BBC plans to broadcast commercial ads BBC將插播商業廣告 164 CNN SPS launches clothing line 美國郵政投身服裝業 166 VOA WB urges the elimination of Africa』s trade barrier 世行呼吁消除非洲貿易壁壘 168 Unit4 市場消費 MARKET & CONSUM PTION BBC Apple losing its appeal 蘋果市值下降,冬天來了 172 BBC Food borne illness breakout 世界頂級餐廳發生食物中毒事件 174 BBC Hotel living in Hong Kong 香港酒店變住宅 176 CNN Asian demand spurs ivory smuggling 亞洲需求無止境,象牙走私猖獗 178 VOA Building a restaurant on wheels 車輪上的餐館 180 BBC Microsoft unveils Windows8 微軟推出Windows8操作系統 182 BBC Google sees future in eyeglasses 谷歌透過眼鏡看見未來 184 CNN Another recall from Toyota 豐田再次大量召回車輛 186 BBC Honda rebounds 本田業績強勢反彈 188 VOA China』s rising demand for luxury automobiles 國人愛豪車 190 VOA Starbucks coffee expands to India 星巴克咖啡打入印度市場 192 VOA Meat consumption is soaring in developing countries 發展中國家肉類消費量驟增 194 CRI Different responses to declining gold price 金價下跌,消費者反應不一 196 VOA Drought re-ignites food vs. fuel fight 美國旱情重燃糧食能源之戰 198 VOA Lion bones are used as substitutes for tiger bones 缺虎骨,求獅骨 200 VOA Trash-recycling new market 變廢為寶新市場 202 ABC So much food, so much waste 食物越多越浪費 204 CRI Long road ahead for new energy cars 新能源汽車長路漫漫 206 CRI Controversial online auction 網絡拍賣惹爭議 208 CNN Falling paper prices hurt scavengers 國際紙價下跌,打擊廢品回收者 210 VOA Sky-rocketing costs in health care 飛漲的醫療費 212 Marketplace A really long supply chain 成衣所經歷的供應之鏈 214 VOA 「Cash Mob」 increases spending 「現金暴民」促進消費 216 PBS Taxes on transactions conducted across state lines 美國跨州網購要收稅 218 CNN CES opens 消費者電子產品展覽會召開 220 CNN The Death of PC 個人電腦真的要消亡了嗎 222 VOA The dead of winter for shopping2012 2012,購物的「寒冬」 224 Unit5 商界巨頭 GIANT IN BIZ WORLD BBC Apple』s value sets record 蘋果市值創紀錄 228 NPR The merger of Office Depot and OfficeMax 美兩大辦公用品巨頭合並 230 VOA Google doodles 谷歌塗鴉 232 VOA Samsung loses the case 三星輸了官司 234 VOA Big companys were accused 大公司成了眾矢之的 236 BBC Forbes World』s Billionaires2012 福布斯2012富豪榜 238 CNN Sony, Sharp and Panasonic are gone 索尼、夏普、松下的沒落 240 NPR Oil giant receives largest criminal penalty 石油巨頭的天價罰單 242 NPR Google passed antitrust investigation 谷歌通過反壟斷調查 244 NPR Former king of photo industry filed for bankruptcy 昔日膠片業之王申請破產 246 NPR JPMorgan and Wells Fargo survive to be the winner 摩根大通和富國銀行重振旗鼓 248 NPR GM recalls a quarter of million SUVs 通用召回SUV 250 BBC Jaguar Land Rover joins forces with Chery 捷豹路虎與奇瑞聯姻 252 PBS Yahoo』s CEO stops employees from working at home 雅虎總裁取消員工在家辦公 254 VOA Edison is the greatest job creator in US history 愛迪生:美國歷史上最大的就業創造者 256 CNN Facebook made its IPO 臉譜網首次公開募股 258 CRI Yingli: China』s1st company to join「Climate Savers」 英利成為「拯救氣候行動計划」的首家中國企業 260 VOA Nokia and Microsoft are Cooperating on Smart Phones 諾基亞和微軟聯手推出全新智能手機 262 CRI JPMorgan』s executive apologizes for loss 摩根大通總裁因巨額損失致歉 264 CRI Jobs mourned in China 「果粉」追思喬布斯 266 VOA The tough budget negotiator Jack Lew 強硬的預算談判老手傑克?盧 268 VOA Buffet Rule 巴菲特規則 270 CNN The mighty Ford has struggled to stand up right 巨無霸福特掙扎求生存 272 Marketplace P&G CEO steps down 寶潔CEO下台 274