Originally titled "Contes à Ninon" (1864) and "Nouveaux Contes à Ninon" (1874). Table of Contents: Stories For Ninon: To Ninon Simplice, The Ball-Program, She Who Loves Me, The Love-Fairy, Blood, The Thieves And The Ass, Sister-Of-The-Poor, The Adventures Of Big Sidoine And Little Médéric, New Stories For Ninon: To Ninon, A Bath, The Strawberries, Big Michu, The Fast, The Shoulders Of The Marchioness, My Neighbour Jacques, The Paradise Of Cats Lili, The Legend Of Cupid's Little Blue Mantle, The Blacksmith, The Slack Season, The Little Village Souvenirs, Jean Gourdon's Four Days Émile Zola (1840 – 1902), French novelist, critic, and political activist who was the most prominent French novelist of the late 19th century. He was noted for his theories of naturalism, which underlie his monumental 20-novel series Les Rougon-Macquart, and for his intervention in the Dreyfus Affair through his famous open letter, "J'accuse."h his famous open letter, "J'accuse."