圖書名稱:Microfinance for Macro Change Emerging Challenges
The book is remarkable for breadth of vision and width of experience. It combines the detailed painstaking research of a noted scholar with the practical experience of a policymaker. It furnishes an extensive analysis of the remarkable traits that have ensured the success of microfinance. The comprehensive overview takes due cognizance of emerging concerns and the new challenges confronting microfinance in its bid to upscale beyond consumption lending. In the process it sheds light on a host of contentious issues in Microfinance .The author concludes that Microfinance has a capacity to reach those previously excluded from financial services, bridge the access gap, and to do this on a sustainable basis. The book t is a veritable tour de force, systematic and rigorous in analysis. It lucidly discussesThe Microfinance Approach and its role as a poverty intervention effort, Delivery Models Micro Credit through Micro Finance Institutions (MFI)-Scaling up pro-poor interventions, The NABARD sponsored SHG Bank Linkage Program: Progress and Prospects, Banks delivery of Microfinance through the District Central Cooperative Banks and the Regional Rural Banks, Microfinance and Empowerment of women: Key Issues and Challenges, Microfinance and empowerment of the poor, The role of technology in ramping up access to the poor, Emerging Concerns and the way forward.It is a policy relevant work rooted in practical experience, a book which is a wonderful gift of intellect and expertise. Are you seeking clarity and for fresh thinking on development issues with conceptual analysis and practical insights? your search is ended, this is the book for you.