Prof. Sushil (Series Editor) is the AbdulazizAlsagar chair professor (professor of strategic, flexible systems and technology management), at the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. He has pioneered the area of ’Flexible Systems Management’ and made original contributions to the field of knowledge in the form of interpretive approaches in management such as SAP-LAP models/linkages, Total Interpretive Structural Modeling, and Interpretive Ranking Process. He has evolved the concept and framework of ’Flowing Stream Strategy’ as strategic flexibility to manage continuity and change. Dr. Julia Connell is an adjunct Professor of Management, Curtin Business School, Curtin University and Director of Researcher Development at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). Her research include precarious work, organizational effectiveness, job quality, human resource development and more. She has published widely in a range of international journals such as the International Journal of HRM, the International Journal of Manpower, Personnel Review and Management Decision.
John Burgess is a Professor at Curtin University, Perth, Australia. His research interests include working hours, employment relations, job quality, work and health, and employment programs at multinational companies. John is an Editorial Board Member of the Australian Bulletin of Labour; Australian Journal of Labour Economics; Economic and Labour Relations Review; and Human Resource Management Journal. He has published widely and co-edited special issues for many journals including: the International Journal of Human Resource Management; International Journal of Manpower and Personnel Review.