Dr. Stafford Valentine Redden (M.A.; M.Ed.; M.Sc.; Ph.D) is a reputed author of A Level Biology and O Level Science books. His books are very popular with educators and students, both nationally and internationally. In his 10 years of association with the Centre for Higher Secondary Education (C.H.S.E) in the Maldives, he has served as Head of Biology and conducted numerous workshops on examination skills and teaching methodology in various countries, including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Sri Lanka and Maldives. He continues to serve as Head of Biology in Villa International High School, Rep. of Maldives. Some Publications by the author are 1. AS Biology With Stafford Unit 1: Lifestyle, Genes & Health ISBN: 978-81-910705-0-7 2. AS Biology With Stafford Unit 2: Genomic Expression, Biodiversity and Natural Resources ISBN: 978-81-910705-1-4 3. AS Biology With Stafford Unit 3: Practical Workbook ISBN: 978-81-910705-2-1 4. A2 Biology With Stafford Unit 4: On The Wild Side, Immunity & Forensics ISBN: 978-81-910705-3-8 5. A2 Biology With Stafford Unit 5: Physiology of Exercise & Nervous Coordination ISBN: 978-81-910705-4-5 6. A2 Biology With Stafford Unit 6: Practical Workbook The books cover the Advanced level syllabus comprehensively and prepare the students to apply the How Science Works criteria for the A Level examinations. Visit www.staffordeducationalservices.com for more information and support for your exam preparation.