Five Dollars - Five Years - Five Billion - Five Powwows "Powwow" is a thought-provoking tale of a youngster(Kali) who learns vital lessons on investments from a stranger(Koko) who went from rags to riches by following his passion towards business. Koko narrates how he had only 5$ in his pocket one day and then, how he transformed that into 5 billion dollars in five years. Koko explains all the lessons in five meetings with Kali. In every meeting he shares important and ground-breaking lessons on serial investments. "How to find opportunities?" Kali asked Koko in one of the meetings. "Well, I'll tell you that but before that tell me, what are you doing now?" Koko asked. Kali not doing anything at all, so he was a bit shocked by Koko's question. "Nothing " he exclaimed. Koko laughed, "Aren't you breathing?" he asked and continued "When you become conscious of your breathing, you understand everything happening around you. Opportunity is like oxygen - you have to start finding it unconsciously just as you breathe unconsciously." What did Kali do after learning all the key lessons from Koko would be a bolt out of the blue that will wake anyone from their sleep and put them back on their desk to work towards the passion of their life. This is not about just dreaming, it's all about making the dreams into reality.