The little angel Esther did not want Jesus to be born as a baby!
She did not want Jesus to suffer, so she did not want him to be born.
But, after she understood a little more about WHY Jesus needed to come to
earth, she got to experience a lot of wonderful things.
In this book we meet her when she
is present in some of the stories
you know from the Bibel. Maybe you even see some of the stories
in a different light?
(by the way; Esther means: STAR)
Anne Jorunn Syvertsen (1966) is former radio journalist and has worked for Christian local radio stations in Norway and for Trans World Radio.
Mother of two children and also has the pleasure of being a Mormor! (grandmother in Norwegian).
For years, she worked in different areas of Children’s Ministry in Norway.
Today she has the responsibility for King’s Gateway, and lives in Lillesand, Norway, together with her husband, Arvid.