El libro sobre la ansiedad que arrasa en internet.
Qu es la ansiedad y por qu apareceen nuestra vida?Existe una soluci n para superarla que nos ayudar a convivir con sus s ntomasya convertirnosen personas m s fuertes y felices.
Todo lo que necesitas para vencer la ansiedad lo tienes dentro de ti. En este libro encontrar s las herramientas para comprender por qu esta emoci n se presenta en tu vida y aprender s a ponerle remedio. Descubrir s que convivir con ella puede ser sencillo e incluso divertido.
What is anxiety and why does it come into our lives? There is a way to overcome it, which will help us manage and live with the symptoms and become stronger and happier people.
Everything you need to overcome anxiety lives within you. In this book you will find the tools to understand why this emotion comes into your life and you will also learn to treat it. You will soon realize that living with it can be easy and maybe even fun. An End to Anxiety is one of the most referenced and most valued books on this subject on the internet, it has been on best-sellers lists on numerous occasions, and is often recommended in psychology and lifestyle online magazines. Gio Zararri, through his own experience with the disease, will help us change the way we understand one of the most widespread psychological problems in our times, and overcome it. With kindness and humor, Zararri teaches us that anxiety always arrives because of an imminent need to make a change: our own.