On Friday September 9th 2011, EMS, one of the most prominent financial clearing houses in the global telecommunication reseller market place, was brought to its knees and it declared bankruptcy several months thereafter. This event shook the industry, crushing many small and medium-sized companies globally and dramatically reducing the amount of business transactions within the community.
Although there were only a few weeks between the first public signs of collapse and the effective dismantling of the company, it is now clear that the cracks in the wall started to appear much earlier. They were disregarded and diminished due to the blind trust, confidence and loyalty that lay within and outside the company.
As a telecommunications industry executive and as a client of EMS, but also as the silent partner in EMS who discovered these cracks, unveiled the truth and was forced to deal with all the subsequent legal and industrial actions, I present you with my account of what happened. It is my sincere attempt to address the many unanswered questions left by this overwhelming stream of events. This is the story of how my eyes were opened to the truth.