想了解最風行的網頁設計趨勢嗎?全球網頁設計師奉為寶典的「Web Design Index by Content」系列正符合你的需求!此系列每年精選業界500件案例,內容橫跨建築、時尚、飲食、攝影、音樂、科技產品等20類,依主題編排成冊。讀者除能從書中觀賞網頁樣貌,還能透過隨書附贈CD,瀏覽本書收錄所有網站的預告片與網址連結。
Would you like an overview of the state of the art in web design in a specific field? WEB DESIGN INDEX BY CONTENT provides exactly that: every year, 500 new designs are selected and grouped in more than 20 categories, such as architecture, art, fashion, food, IT, music, photography, product catalogues, etc. Two pages from each site are included: an opening page and a page representative of the nature of the site.WEB DESIGN INDEX BY CONTENT.05 is the fifth in a series which has become the industry standard in tracking trends in web design. This year has seen an emphasis on large images, typographic innovations and a more hand-made or hand-drawn feel in web design. The websites featured in this book are organized by subject and provide an invaluable reference for web designers. The enclosed CD contains previews of and a link to each of the featured websites.
Would you like an overview of the state of the art in web design in a specific field? WEB DESIGN INDEX BY CONTENT provides exactly that: every year, 500 new designs are selected and grouped in more than 20 categories, such as architecture, art, fashion, food, IT, music, photography, product catalogues, etc. Two pages from each site are included: an opening page and a page representative of the nature of the site. The accompanying CD-ROM allows you to view the designs on screen and to access the entire sites online.