"All Creations Provide A Window Into The Soul Of The Creator"
Zone away into a different space that unveils the fundamental nature of existence. Read about the deep mysteries of the universe to realize the power already within you. For to understand the universe is to understand oneself.
From inchoate beginnings under the sea bed to expansion of life beyond the planet, immutable laws have governed the world - eternal truths available to any seeker. The Principles of Creation explores these themes. Composed from first principles with a simple evolutionary basis, their understanding allows one to harness the tremendous power of the soul.
The book serves answers to basic questions:
- The 7 core principles that have directed life since time immemorial and the frame of mind they create to position one for inner peace and advancement.What is love and its originsThe reason for war and the pursuit of a lasting peaceThe social structure, environment and diet for personal growth and self-actualizationThe secret that aroused the enigmatic desire for sexConsciousness and its connection with the quantum worldThe age old query of life after deathThe promise and yet terrible threat of artificial intelligence
Through a blend of reasoning and expressive storytelling it reveals man’s unconscious yet unstopping quest for the highest self. It allows for a holistic understanding of our existence through which readers can embrace their untold potential and maneuvre past life’s manifold challenges.
The book addresses disparate issues from the past, present and future that are yet knit together in a unified theme. In essence the book contrasts the boundless possibilities of technological and spiritual advancement against the danger of decline, and presents the current age as a choice between human triumph or despair.
"We are cast onto a blue green world bobbing gently in space around a fiery star, brought into life and being, in the most decisive time: either to be part of the grand triumph of technology and the human spirit - to rise, and soar well beyond anything our ancestors had even dreamed of, to spread out to the stars to the eager dawn of a Galactic Age. Or to fall, to plunge far into the deepest pits of despair and ignominy"