Graph theory, an intriguing and vital area of mathematics, finds its roots in the 18th century, with Leonhard Euler’s pioneering work on the Seven Bridges of Königsberg problem. Since then, the field has burgeoned into a versatile and indispensable tool, influencing diverse areas like computer science, biology, sociology, and network theory. The foundational structures and profound applications of graph theory underscore its role as a linchpin in solving modern-day problems.
This book, "Foundations and Applications of Graph Theory: From Basics to Advanced Concepts," is born out of a passion for unraveling the elegance and utility of graphs. It aims to bridge the gap between theoretical foundations and practical applications, catering to students, researchers, and professionals alike. With its structured progression from introductory topics to advanced themes, the book serves as both an educational guide and a reference for exploring the depths of graph theory.Through its chapters, readers will journey from the rudiments of graph definitions and properties to specialized topics like magic labeling, graph coloring, and isomorphism. The exploration is not merely theoretical; real-world applications across disciplines are woven throughout to demonstrate the relevance and adaptability of graph theory.-Dr. Rajpal Kosaliya (Author)