Learn Robotics and ROS 2 with Practical Examples
Book DescriptionRobot Operating System (ROS) and Python are essential tools for developing advanced robotics applications, offering reliability and scalability for both research and industrial solutions. [Ultimate Robotics Programming with ROS 2 and Python] introduces readers to ROS 2 without requiring prior experience in robotics. It blends theoretical explanations with practical exercises, empowering readers to solve specific robotics problems while understanding the reasoning behind various approaches. The book covers a broad spectrum of robotics topics, including mobile robots, industrial manipulators, and aerial robots. These systems are simulated using the modern Gazebo simulator and programmed with ROS 2’s out-of-the-box tools and custom solutions using the ROS 2 API. The book also delves into computer vision, generative AI, and machine learning, providing hands-on examples of real-world applications. Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Robot Operating System 2
2. Hands-on ROS 2 Programming Using Python
3. Supplementary Tools for ROS 2
4. Robot Visualization and Simulation
5. Writing Tests Using Pytest for ROS 2 Nodes
6. Controlling an Inverted Pendulum with a PID Controller
7. Laser-based Obstacle Avoidance with a Wheeled Mobile Robot
8. ROS 2 Behaviour Trees Using Python
9. Surveillance System Using Behaviour Trees
10. Robot Navigation Using ROS 2 Navigation Stack (Nav2)
11. Robot Arm Control Using MoveIt 2
12. Programming Aerial Robots Using ROS 2
13. Computer Vision Using ROS 2
14. Object Detection Using ROS 2
15. Using Large Language Models with ROS 2
16. Deep Reinforcement Learning Using ROS 2