"The author neither grows long hair nor flashes a bushy beard to proclaim himself a creator; nor does he hump around like a hippie as it is often shown in the movies. He never sports ear studs, pierces the body or roams here and there with distinctive tattoos in order to carry a writer’s image of any kind. He doesn’t smoke or drink to maintain what has been the cult status of writers ever since the clan came into the world. He requires no drugs or the company of a woman to overcome the writer’s block as alleged by the world. And one important thing, against the common notion of everyone, he never presents himself in kurta pajama or carries a jholna pai wherever he goes. Given a chance, he will fail all the tests which essentially qualify him to be a writer, appearance-wise. When you think about this author you need not necessarily imagine a nerdy person with wide spectacles and a pen all the time. The same goes for your thought of dozens of crushed papers thrown away every time he writes something. His world is not controversial or shadowy as it is projected in popular culture. He doesn’t fit the stereotype or the dark-sided personality which has been the general perception towards the authors lately. In fact, he is not even a writer by choice; he is just a writer by chance whose only purpose in life is to tell his story to the world."