The story begins in the ancient city of Khasi during “Mahabharata India.” Suryakanta is an Asva-Sani, or horse trainer, of the royal stables who becomes responsible for a young girl, Ananti, who one day mysteriously appears from the sacred river. His fate leads him to a chance encounter with Karna, the King of Angra and son of the Sun God, and from there he finds himself caught up in the events leading to the great war of Kurukshetra.The story of Suryakanta and Ananti moves to further tales of a Viking, a Cheyenne Warrior, a Jaguar in the wild and a Himalayan Yogi, all of whom gradually reveal their connections to the story of Marcus and Bia and their love tryst in the present time. Loved by the Sun is a journey of souls through history and through some of the more tumultuous times of the Kali Yuga. It will both entertain and enlighten you with its historical accuracy and through its deeply mystical stories.