Australian author Henry Handel Richardson wrote a book titled The Getting of Wisdom.At the age of 12, the main character, Laura Tweedle Rambotham, is sent to a boarding school in Melbourne. The otherworldly Laura is shocked and humiliated by her educational experiences. She suffers as a result of telling her mother and classmates details about her family’s background.This is a tale about innocence being ruined. None of the female students at the institution, nor the professors in general, come off as anything but arrogant and rude. Even Laura, who is so youthful, powerful, and idealistic at the beginning, gives in to the role that is expected of her.In Laura’s story, a 15-year-old girl cheats on an exam but is spared punishment since God wasn’t involved; otherwise, he would have held her accountable. The last time Laura leaves school, she is overcome with the urge to flee, and the last thing we see of her is a fast-diminishing form disappearing into a park.