"Catriona" is a novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson. The book is a sequel to the author’s earlier novel, "Kidnapped," and follows the further adventures of its protagonist, David Balfour. The story is set in 18th-century Scotland and centers on David’s efforts to clear his friend Alan Breck Stewart’s name after he is accused of murder. While in search to save his friend, David becomes involved with a young woman named Catriona, who is in danger due to her connections to the Jacobite uprising against the British government. As David tries to navigate the complex political landscape and protect Catriona from harm, he must also confront his own conflicted feelings for her, as well as his loyalty to Alan and his own sense of justice. Now, what will happen to their relationship? Will David confess his love? How will he save his friend whom he was accused of? The novel is notable for its engaging plot, well-drawn characters, and rich historical detail, and is considered one of Stevenson’s finest works.