"The Defence of Lucknow: A Diary Recording the Daily Events During the Siege of the European Residency from 31st May to 25th September 1857" is a first-hand account of the Indian Rebellion of 1857, also known as the First War of Indian Independence, by T.F. Wilson, a British officer who was stationed in Lucknow during the siege. The book is a detailed record of the events that took place during the 147-day siege of the European Residency in Lucknow, where around 1,700 British soldiers and civilians, along with some Indian allies, were surrounded and under attack by Indian rebels. Wilson’s diary entries provide a vivid description of the day-to-day struggles faced by the besieged, including the shortage of food and water, and the injuries and deaths of those in the Residency. Wilson’s diary also sheds light on the leadership of Sir Henry Lawrence, who was in charge of the Residency, and the bravery and dedication of the British soldiers and Indian allies who fought to defend the Residency. The book offers valuable insights into the military tactics and strategies used during the siege and the attitudes and beliefs of both the British and Indian sides.