Nowadays, transportation and economic development have close relationship. Economic development stimulates transportation demand by increasing the numbers of workers commuting to and from work, customers traveling to and from services areas, and products being moving by lorries on the roads between products and customers. My aim to write this book which concerns how to design road transportation network to assist road transportation to reduce time spending to transport any products in the short time efficiently and to rise economic growth in any countries. This book divides part one and part two. Part one concerns to research how road transportation design network and countries’ land use has close relationship. Thus, I shall concentrate on researching the relationship between offices and factories and shopping centers, schools etc. building and designing networks and land use and economic growth relationship aspect. I shall recommend methods how to design road network to solve traffic jam, air pollution, over pedestrian population walking on the street etc. challenges. The most important concerning is to research whether designing road network system can have close relationship to assist any countries’ economic growth . I shall give ideas to explain this issue occurred possibly. If readers like to do research writing, I believe that this book is very suitable to them to be used for reference.