Migration is an inevitable process in human civilization, it can go and happen in innumerable forms and ways. Sometimes people migrate to harvest better and more happiness, or, they are forced to accept more agonies and drudgeries for a poor survival even. So, either push or pull factor initiates and sustains migration. The present book goes deeper into the push and pull factors of rural migration, especially from agrarian ecology to elsewhere, may be into an urban social ecology. By using comprehensive multivariate statistical design analyses and design, it has isolated a score of marker variables, responsible for characterizing and organizing rural-urban migration of people from a marginalizing economic and social echelon. I hope and believe, this book would be worth reading for those who want to have an introspection into the cause, process, effect and impact of migration on social ecology. The present COVID pandemic has bestowed a harsh reality of migration and migrants, a homelessness and indestine travel have ended up with a disgraceful consequence to the migrants and the civilization at large.