"Under the Lilacs" is a charming children’s novel written by Louisa May Alcott, best known for her classic work "Little Women." This edition of "Under the Lilacs" is both modern and legible, with an eye-catching new cover and professionally typeset manuscript. The story brings readers to Bloomington, an idyllic New England village, where two young girls, Ben Brown and his sister Bab, find a world of adventure and imagination beneath the shadow of a beautiful lilac bush. The story centers on Ben and Bab’s friendship with their newfound acquaintances, a mesmerizing circus artist named Bubbles and a mischievous dog named Sancho. They embark on a number of fascinating adventures, from putting on their own circus to solving mysteries and assisting those in need. The idea of childlike innocence and the power of friendship is central to the the plot. As young people face numerous hardships, they learn important life skills such as as kindness, empathy, and the value of community.