"The Domestic Cat" by Gordon Stables is an insightful and comprehensive guide that delves into the fascinating world of one of humanity’s most beloved pets. This non-fiction book falls within the genre of animal care and pet ownership. Stables, a respected author and veterinarian, brings his extensive knowledge and passion for animals to the forefront, offering readers a thorough understanding of domestic cats. In "The Domestic Cat," Stables covers a wide array of topics essential for both novice and experienced cat owners. From the history and evolution of cats to their behaviors, needs, and health care, the book provides a wealth of information. Stables’ engaging writing style makes complex topics accessible, ensuring readers can easily grasp the intricacies of cat care. He offers practical advice on feeding, grooming, and creating a suitable living environment, as well as tips for understanding feline communication and addressing common behavioral issues. What sets this book apart is Stables’ ability to blend scientific facts with his genuine affection for cats, making it an enjoyable and educational read. "The Domestic Cat" is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to deepen their knowledge and appreciation of these enigmatic and endearing animals.