""""""Patchwork Called Life"""" is a collection of poems that feels like flipping through a photo album, where each page reveals a different memory or emotion. These poems transport you under the shade of Gulmohar trees, back to childhood dreams and the simple joys of playing outside. They narrate the life of a family of five-imperfect but bound by deep love for each other. The poems explore various facets of life, including finding love, making time for self-care, and navigating the inevitable ups and downs we all face. They offer wisdom on persevering through challenges, from facing injustices to overcoming significant obstacles, without letting them shatter our spirit. The book also delves into healing from old wounds, processing past traumas, embracing self-love, and finding joy in life’s simple pleasures, like traveling and savoring a cup of chai. """"Patchwork Called Life"""" feels like a comforting conversation with a close friend who understands you deeply-a friend who reassures you that despite everything, you can find strength and happiness in your life. This friend reminds you of your inherent perfection, inclusive of all your flaws and experiences, whether joyful, painful, or somewhere in between. This collection emphasizes that while we all endure hard times, trauma, and setbacks, we have the power to heal, to love anew, and to grow. It celebrates the notion that you are not defined by a single aspect of your life but are a composite of all your past experiences, present self, and future possibilities. This book is a celebration of the little things that, when woven together, make life beautiful and profoundly worth living. It’s a gentle reminder that life, in all its complexity, is a magnificent journey of continual evolution and discovery.""