By end of July 2024, I gave a completion to my research on various topics which were intertwined to perfection. Thus, it made possible to write a book on one of my favourite topics of discussion, reflected in the book’s title, which had intrigued me since my school days.
I have done my best to logically break down my arguments and hypothesis and use maps and other pictorial references wherever required to make it more appealing for readers.
Ancillary reason for writing this book: -
We do have a recorded ancient history of more than 1000 years ’Before Christ’ and it is a proud one. No, it did not start from the Mauryas as we were taught in our childhood, but still had all hallmarks of an advanced civilization, namely:
1.Martial Prowess.
2.Literature, including sacred texts written in indigenously developed Brahmi Script.
3. Religion as a way of life with righteousness as its core.
4.Currency based trade instead of barter.
5.Iron Metallurgy, most advanced of its time, e.g. Wootz steel swords.
6.Earliest use of iron weapons.
7.Ancient Port and Harbour.
It is Itihasa of our Bharatavarsha. Take pride in it.