Madhavi Sood alias Madhavi Mohandas, who has also penned as ’Madhavi Mohandas Sood’, started her journey into writing & poems as a school kid when she secretly used to pen down her thoughts and stories in her diary. She loved reading, and as a school kid would sometimes climb up atop trees with her water bottle & rucksack and a book reading, & sometimes quietly writing down her feelings. She has been fortunate to travel to many places in India and yearns to Travel and learn more and pen down her experiences. She has graduated in Chemistry & done her Masters in Computer Management, from the University of Poona. She has dabbled in many fields, worked from the bottom of the ladder as a Computer Instructor & Teacher to a Programmer and then into Business Development as an Entrepreneur and a Consultant. She used to train her employees on soft skills & has been a motivational speaker to them. As a College & School student; she was a high achiever in academics and sports. She is an ardent gardener, Nature lover and trekker and loves swimming & canoeing. In college, she had been an active participant in Seminars on ’Sustainable development’ at the regional & National levels. She has penned some articles on the Environment & wants to make her contribution for a better environment. She loves to cook for her daughter and family and loves listening to music. She firmly believes that each work has enriched and widened her horizons. She is a ’never say die optimist’ and believes that each one is here for a purpose to fulfil. She firmly believes that each person comes with God given gifts which one has to discover for themselves.