Mumbai well-known as the city of dreams, as also the underworld givesRanbir his directorial debut in Bollywood, reuniting him and his leading ladyMeera in a bond he had dreamt of since their college days. While Meera iscrowned the queen of Bollywood, Ranbir also makes his mark as a director, tillsuccess parts their ways.While they search for true love, trouble comes looking for them. A series ofheartbreaks, lies, blackmails and vengeance culminate into a murder, puttingRanbir and people he has loved the charming Sunanda who gives Ranbir thelove he was craving, and the vivacious Veena who stars in his magnum opus andbecomes his real-life wife under the police radar.Will Ranbir be able to find his true love, or will the stardom leave him alone andaloof?Will the murder of someone he cherishes kill his soul too?Stars in Your Eyes is a story of love that loses its way in the stardom that many crave. A thrilling page-turner, the storybrings to life various facets of love those that thrill, and those that kill.