Ishaan, a young man, and Anand Dada, an old man, live lonely lives in the same apartment building in New Delhi. Being neighbours they soon become friends. Suddenly Baby, a little orphan girl, comes into their lives after her mother disappears after a bomb blast set off by terrorists and Anand Dada takes on the responsibility of upbringing Baby. But Baby and Anand Dada were destined to be separated ... and Anand Dada destined to lead a lonely old age. Spring Also Comes is the story of Anand Dada’s struggle against loneliness and alcoholism after being separated from Baby. Ishaan is his only help and support. It is also about Baby’s lonely and often hopeless fight to be re-united with Anand Dada. Will a little girl’s lonely fight succeed? Narrated by Ishaan and set in New Delhi, Spring Also Comes, is a poignant tale about the plight of victims of terrorism and about the loneliness of ordinary individuals in big cities. The moving relationships among lives made seemingly meaningless by plain loneliness and the struggle of lonely people for worthwhile relationships in hopeless situations is movingly depicted. Spring Also Comes is a novel about the ultimate victory of the human spirit over terrorism and loneliness in Mr Bhattacharyya’s concise, bare and deceptively simple prose In 2005 Mr Bhattacharyya published his first novel, Of Another Time. Spring Also Comes (2010) is Mr Bhattacharyya’s second novel.