Where the Trees Stood is a gripping science fiction novel that explores the devastating impact of deforestation and global warming on a future Earth. Set in a world where forests have been reduced to barren lands and nature’s balance is in peril, the story follows two protagonists, Mara and Adam, as they journey through the remnants of what once was a thriving planet.
In their quest to understand the past and restore hope for the future, they encounter desolate landscapes, forgotten technology, and communities that still believe in renewal. Through vivid storytelling, the novel paints a hauntingly realistic picture of environmental destruction, but also a moving narrative about resilience, human spirit, and the power of nature to heal.
At its core, Where the Trees Stood is a call to action-a reminder of our responsibility to protect the natural world before it is too late. It combines scientific reality with speculative fiction, inviting readers to reflect on the fragile relationship between humans and the environment.
Through its pages, we confront the consequences of our inaction, but also glimpse the possibility of restoration and renewal. This is a tale not only of loss but of hope-of what can be saved, and of a future that we must fight to reclaim.