本書係《台北博物館開門》中文版姊妹作,作者以知性與感性的筆法帶引大家重新認識大台北地區的博物館,文字優美,引人入勝。本書為你開啟大台北地區十八家各具特色的博物館大門,竭誠邀請你攜家帶眷與我們一同悠遊其中,領略台北博物館之美。豐富的內容介紹及精彩的圖片讓您不出門便可走進博物館的殿堂,一窺堂奧。 書中Q&A單元,更提出許多一般人都會想問的問題,讓你迅速在一問一答間,有系統、快速認識大台北地區的博物館。心動不如馬上心動,帶著《台北博物館開門》英文版,與我們一起把大台北地區的博物館走透透!全書158頁,約有324張精美圖片,從文字到視覺均是集一時之選。 每本定價200元。
In celebration of this happy event, we have undertaken a survey of our city’s cultural resources and are delighted to confirm that we have much to be pround of. There is of course the world-renowned National Palace Museum, justly celebrated for its extensive collections. But just as importantly, we have in Taipei legions of people endeavoring in the area of culture who go about their work quietly and with little fuss. It is the efforts of such dedicated citizens that the City’s Department of Information recognizes in this introduction to Taipei’s many museums. By shining a light on these excellent cultural institutions, this fine publication encourages us to make the most of what they have to offer.
In cities of the 21st century, museums play an irreplaceable role as every person’s link to the past. In this book, you may find that one-or even more-of your neighbors is just such a link, as the museums have been arranged for publication by the municipal district they are located in. Moreover, in our concern to offer a total cultural experience of the region, we have also included the many museums in adjoining areas of Taipei County, as thsey also celebrate and preserve our common heritage.