楔 子
It has been five years since its inception of Phoenix (Chinese) TV's T
alk with World Leaders. The show, since it features special interviews
with dignitaries from across the world, has attracted the attention o
f personages in the international community. Therefore, Mr. Liu Changl
e, Chiarman of the Board of Directors and CEO of the Phoenix Group, in
structed me to reorganize the interviews, and to have it published in
book form in both Chinese and English languages in order that the book
will be of a point of reference to either foreign embassies based in
Beijing or governments in the world.
Talk with World Leaders was first published in Chinese in 2004. Since
then I have added more interviewees onto the list, thus the current bi
lingual edition is an updated one based on the original Chinese editio
n. This book consists of interviews, which have been aired over the p
ast two years, with almost thirty dignitaries from across the board-fr
om senior government officials to social personages. To celebrate the
fifth anniversary of Talk with World Leaders, Phoenix TV will host a r
eception on the twenty-fourth of March in Beijing, which will be well
attended by ambassadors, officials of various international agencies a
s well as friends from the foreign press based in Beijing. Therefore,
the publication of the current bilingual edition will surely be apprec
iated as an admirable and welcome present to all from our show.
Over the past four years, I have been the chief interviewer in Talk wi
th World Leaders. I have been host to more than three hundred foreign
dignitaries. The process, from making appointments to airing our shows
, has never been an easy one. However, with that said, I am still of t
he view that as a journalist I am a firm believer of such conventional
wisdom as 'no pains no gains.' More than that, I choose this occupati
on out of my own free will. Therefore I have always been diligent and
hardworking in my thirty years' experience as a professional journalis
t. And in my four years with Talk with World Leaders, my colleagues ne
ver heard any complaint from me. To my co-workers at Phoenix TV, who a
re so very congenial that we have spent the past four years, I am full
of gratitude to them.
At the outset, I'd like to express my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Liu Chun
, my program supervisor, for his generous and hearty assistance and co
ncern since the inception of Talk with World Leaders. Also, I'd like t
o take the opportunity to offer my traditional Chinese bow to my colle
agues, Dong Jiayao, Zeng Meizhen, who have shared weal and woe, and to
Ms. Zhang Xiaowen (wife of Dong Jiayao,) senior producer of my show.
To them I should be deeply grateful. Of course, without the full suppo
rt Mr. Liu Changle and Director Wang Jiyan, executive vice president o
f Phoenix TV, Talk with World Leaders can't survive the past four year
s, nor can it eventually turn into a flagship show with Phoenix TV. Mo
reover, what touches me most is that both Mr. Liu and Director Wang ar
e master photographers who have provided several of their masterpieces
, which have in turn been included in this collection. For their gener
osity, I shall continue to commit myself to the show, plus a profoundl
y respectful bow.
Likewise, I feel personally indebted to some good friends whose hard w
ork ensures that the book be put into print in such a smooth manner. I
want to thank Zhang Lianshan, general manager, and Zhang Hongguo, dep
uty general manager of Jundao Cultural Exchange Company Ltd; Wang Jie,
editor-in-chief of Jiuzhou Press; and my copy editors, Huang Sheng an
d Ji Dengjie, for their remarkable diligence, and meticulous editing.
I salute them with profound respect and thankfulness.
Finally, I'd like to thank the hundreds and millions of the Chinese au
diences overseas as we are fully aware of the fact that among our larg
e fan base, quite a number of our audiences are from the non-Chinese s
peaking world. In additional to giving you a tremendous thanks, I'll c
ontinue to hope that you render us your support as you always did in t
he past.
Hong Kong