農業行Agriculture 001
農業Farming 002
飼養業Breeding 010
採摘業Picking 015
狩獵業Hunting 018
捕魚業Fishing 021
花木業Gardening 024
手工作坊行Handcraft and Workshop 027
木作業Woodcraft 028
石作業Stone Craft 032
磚瓦業Tile 034
陶瓷業Pottery 036
編織業Knitwork 038
紡織業Textile 040
蠶絲業Silk 043
礦冶業Mining and Smelting 046
磨坊業Millwork 049
印刷業Printing 051
金融百貨行Finance and General Merchandise 053
錢莊業Qianzhuang(Old-Style Chinese Private Bank) 054
典當業Banking 056
博彩業Lottery 058
布匹業Clothing 059
衣帽業Dressing 060
金屬器皿業Metal Ware 062
陶瓷品業Ceramics 063
編織品業Knitting 064
染品業Sundry Goods 065
花線業Colored Thread 067
食品供應行Foodstuff Supply 069
主食業Staple Food 070
肉食業Meat 072
雞鴨業Poultry 076
魚蝦業Fish and Prawn 077
蔬菜業Vegetable 079
野味業Venison 081
酒茶業Wine and Tea 082
調味業Seasoning 084
飲食小吃行Food, Drink and Snack 087
麵食業Wheat Food 088
糕點業Cake 091
豆腐業Beancurd 094
燒烤業Barbecue 096
茶湯業Tea House 098
肉蛋業Meat and Egg 099
冷食業Frozen Food 101
果品行Fruit 103
鮮果業Fresh Fruit 104
乾果業Dried Fruit 107
糖果業Candy 109
修理行Repair 111
補衣業Cloth Patching 112
修理器皿業Utensils Repair 114
其他修理業Others 117
服務行Service 119
供柴火業Firewood Supply 120
供飲業Water Supply 121
收舊貨業Second-Hand Collection 123
理髮美容業Haircut and Hairdressing 125
雇工業Labor Hiring 127
社會服務業Social Service 128
交通運輸行Transportation 131
人力運輸業Manpower Transportation 132
畜力運輸業Animal Power Transportation 136
車輛運輸業Vehicle Transportation 139
水運業Water Transportation 144
文化教育行Culture and Education 147
教育業Education 148
書報新聞業Book, Newspapers and Journalism 151
文化祖師Founders of Chinese Culture 156
醫藥行Medicine 157
醫護業Medicine and Nursing 158
藥業Pharmacy 161
巫醫業Witch Doctor 165
醫怪藥王Medicine Masters 167
演藝行Acting 169
說唱業Talking and Singing 170
民間小戲Folk Playlet 174
戲劇業Drama 179
樂舞業Music and Dancing 183
武術雜技行Wushu and Acrobatics 187
武術業Wushu 188
頂技業Dingji(Head Skills) 190
技巧業Skills 192
馬戲業Circus 195
魔術Magic 198
軍政衙役行Officers 199
軍人Soldier 200
獄卒Jailor 203
衙役Yayi 205
其他雜役Others 208
宗教迷信行Religion and Superstition 209
巫教Witch Cult 210
道教Taoism 212
佛教Buddhism 214
算命Fortune Telling 216
賣供品和避邪物Offerings and Apotropaion 220
主要參考書目References 222
後記Afterword 223