首創「情境英語單字書」-將真實情境英語 + 單字 + 練習題搭配活用
1500 單字哪裡來?
別懷疑,商業場合、日常英語,只要這 1500 單字就可以溝通無礙、走遍全世界!
Globish 全球語提倡者經多年研究,指示出一份最有效溝通的單字清單
這 1500 字不可不會!
這 1500 字是最基本、人人必備的!
只要 1500 個單字就能清楚表達,讀懂 e-mail、輕鬆對話。
如果你還在背 5000、7000、10000 個字彙,請丟掉這樣的單字書吧!
◎ 14 大常用情境:包含自我介紹、介紹他人、建立友誼關係、請求協助、邀約朋友、表達意見、抱怨服務、做簡報、推薦書或電影、表示感謝、祝賀、表示慰問、道歉等等實用場景。
◎ 多種溝通形式:正式 e-mail、簡短訊息、同事朋友對話、上司部屬對談、電話英文、邀請函、謝卡……,呈現最真實的英語,引導出日常情境的單字及用法,再搭配練習題內化吸收。
這 1500 個單字滾瓜爛熟後,絕對能溝通無礙,展現自信的英語能力!
Miranda Lin
Miranda Lin is a Canadian-born, China-based writer. She holds a Master’s degree from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and has previously worked as a reporter in Beijing and New York City.
加拿大華裔的 Miranda Lin 擁有美國哥倫比亞大學新聞學研究所碩士學歷,曾於紐約及北京擔任新聞記者。
Chapter 3: Asking for Information / Help 要求提供資訊或懇請協助
建立人際關係之後,需要開始收集資訊和情報。資訊和情報並非唾手可得,需要靠勤寫信和勤打電話。其實用簡單的 Globish 單字,就能敲開大門,取得你所需。
I. Formal Request (Email Version) 正式的請求(電子郵件篇):
Dear Ms. Mei Hui Liu,
I represent a large banking firm, Hua Tung. Our bank is seeking investment opportunities to help customers grow. We are especially interested in an international import and export company. Our research indicates that your company might be a good fit for us, but we would like to learn more about your current financial status.
Could you please send us a copy of your most up to date financial report, including the budget for this year? Please also include a list of your projected costs and returns.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Min-sheng Li
Account Executive,
HuaTung Investment Bank
1. firm公司、事務所(名詞)
例句:Lisa was hired by a legal firm straight out of school.
firm 穩定的(形容詞)
例句:Taiwan dollars stay firm against American dollars.
2. seek (seek, sought, sought) 尋找、徵求(動詞)
例句:You should seek advice from an expert.
3. invest投資(動詞)
例句:He decided to invest his money in the stock market instead of saving it in the bank.
investment 投資(名詞)
例句:Taiwan wants to attract more foreign investment.
investor 投資者 / 投資公司
例句:An investor is a person or an organization that invests money.
中譯:Investor 指的是投資錢的人或組織。
4. especially特別地(副詞)
例句:The market is especially weak right now.
5. interest興趣(名詞)
例句:He has no interest in science.
interest 利息(名詞)
例句:What is the interest rate for a savings account?
be interested in 有興趣
例句:I am interested in Finland’s educational system.
interesting (形容詞)
例句:This experimental project is very interesting.
6. international國際的(形容詞)
例句:The two countries just signed an international trade agreement.
7. import進口(動詞)
例句:Canada must import lots of fruits and vegetables because it is too cold to grow them there.
import 進口(名詞)
例句:Imports of certain items are forbidden.
imported 進口的(形容詞)
例句:Imported goods are often more expensive than local goods.
8. export出口(動詞)
例句:China exports more goods than any other country in the world.
export 進口(名詞)
例句:Japan’s exports have started to grow more slowly.
exported 出口的
例句:All the exported apples have been rejected.
9. research研究(名詞)
例句:Part of his research includes doing science experiments in the laboratory.
research 研究(動詞)
例句:We are researching the effects of smoking on dogs and cats.
10. indicate指出、顯示(動詞)
例句:Red flashing lights indicate that it is not safe to drive.
11. fit適合(動詞)
例句:The jacket fits him just right.
fit 適合的(形容詞)
例句:He is not really fit for this job.
good fit 正合適(名詞)
例句:His obedient character was a good fit for the military.
12. finance財務、金融、財源周轉(名詞)
例句:Parents have to teach their children how to handle their finances.
finance 資助(動詞)
例句:My parents agreed to finance my college education.
financial 財務的(形容詞)
例句:Our company will offer all kinds of financial services.
13. status狀況(名詞)
例句:We are concerned about the current political status of your country.
social status 社會地位
例句:In many Asian countries a teacher’s social status is very high.
marital status 婚姻狀況
例句:She wrote “single” in the blank space under “Marital Status.”
14. budget財務預算(名詞)
例句:My boss is trying to balance our company’s budget.
15. project計畫、工程項目(名詞)(重音在第一音節 pro)
例句:Building a road through the mountains is a big project.
project 設想、籌劃(動詞)(重音在第二音節 ject)
例句:The embassy projected the two countries’ future development.
projector 投影機
例句:She is using a projector to show us the chart of birth rates from 2000 to 2011.
中譯:她用投影機顯示從 2000 年到 2011 年的出生率圖表。
16. cost花費、開銷(名詞)
例句:The cost of living in Taipei is increasing.
cost 花(動詞)cost, cost, cost(動詞三態變化)
例句:It cost me NT1000 to buy fuel for my car.
中譯:我花了台幣 1000 元給我的車子加油。
17. return報酬、利潤(名詞)
例句:This investment does not guarantee a high return.
return 返回(動詞)
例句:The soldiers will return home once the war is over.
file the tax return 報稅
例句:You have to file the tax return by the end of May.
II. Formal Request (Telephone Version) 提出請求(電話篇)
Liu: Hello, this is Mei Hui Liu.
Li: Hi, Ms. Liu. This is Min-sheng Li from Hua Tung Bank calling. I sent you an email earlier this week about possibly working together on an investment deal. I haven’t heard from you yet, so I want to call personally and follow up with you.
Liu: Oh yes, hi Mr. Li. I apologize for not writing back earlier.
Li: That’s not a problem. Do you have time right now to discuss the offer?
Liu: Yes, and we are very interested. Hua Tung is such a large bank; we would love to add your resources to our company.
Li: I’m glad to hear you’re interested. In my email, I requested a few financial documents, such as your budget and your projected costs and returns. Do you think you will be able to send me those materials by next week?
Liu: Yes. I’ve already contacted our accountants. They should have a report ready for you by Monday morning.
Li: Great. Thank you so much for your cooperation. Do you have any questions for me?
Liu: When can we meet to discuss our business plan?
Li: Let’s review your financial reports first, but I will call you again to set up a face-to-face meeting.
Liu: Sounds good. I’ll look forward to your call then.
Li: Talk to you then. Goodbye.
Globish 生字
18. person人(名詞)
例句:My boss is really a good person.
personality 個性(名詞)
例句:His strong personality makes him a good leader in the office.
personally 對我個人而言(副詞)
例句:I personally like him, but other people think he is difficult to work with.
19. resource資源、資產(名詞)
例句:Larger companies have the resources to expand their businesses.
20. material材料(名詞)
例句:I am collecting material for my new book on the history of Taiwan.
21. cooperate合作、協調(動詞)
例句:These two countries finally decided to stop fighting and to start cooperating.
cooperation 合作(名詞)
例句:We need everyone’s cooperation to improve the environment.
Exercise 練習題
I. Multiple Choice選擇
1. ( ) I hope our _____ will improve this year.
(a) document (b) business (c) budget
2. ( ) They will _____ him a hand to pay off the loan for his car.
(a) lend (b) owe (c) export (pay off the loan 還清貸款)
3. ( ) Her _____ for a permanent job was not successful.
(a) record (b) return (c) request (permanent job 永久正式的工作)
4. ( ) I still _____ the bank NT150,000. I won’t pay it off until next winter.
(a) invest (b) project (c) owe
5. ( ) I am looking forward to _____ you soon.
(a) seeing (b) see (c) seen
6. ( ) If the government refuses to _____ us, our school will be closed.
(a) finance (b) project (c) invest
7. ( ) He decided to _____ money in the international financial market.
(a) project (b) cooperate (c) invest
8. ( ) Please write down your name, age, and marital _____.
(a) document (b) status (c) research
9. ( ) Germany _____ lots of cars each year to other countries.
(a) indicates (b) seeks (c) exports
10. ( ) They expected a high _____ from exporting silk dresses to England.
(a) return (b) firm (c) finance
II. Fill in the Blank請選適當的字填入空格中,沒有用到的字請劃掉
opportunity, export, import, invest, project
Mary 是台灣某食品公司的業務代表,她寫信給在外商公司做事的 Shelly Wen,約時間見面,談談食品進出口的合作事宜:
Dear Ms. Shelly Wen,
My name is Mary Woods. I am a representative from a food company that 1.__________s snacks (零食) out of Canada. We are looking for an international firm to help 2.__________ our products into Taiwan.
I would like a(n) 3.__________ to meet with you in person. I believe this 4.__________ could greatly profit both of our organizations.
I look forward to seeing you in the near future.
III. Fill in the Blank請選適當的字填入空格中,沒有用到的字請劃掉
expect, organize, owe, request, record
Mei Rui 寫信給同事 Shelly,請她將這個月在公司的花費單寄給她:
Hey Shelly,
I have a small favor to 1.__________. Can you please send me a(n) 2.__________ of your expenses of this month? I am trying to 3.__________ all the departments to list the money we still 4.__________ other companies.
Thanks so much,
Mei Rui
Chapter 3: Asking for Information / Help 要求提供資訊或懇請協助
建立人際關係之後,需要開始收集資訊和情報。資訊和情報並非唾手可得,需要靠勤寫信和勤打電話。其實用簡單的 Globish 單字,就能敲開大門,取得你所需。
I. Formal Request (Email Version) 正式的請求(電子郵件篇):
Dear Ms. Mei Hui Liu,
I represent a large banking firm, Hua Tung. Our bank is seeking investment opportunities to help customers g...
既然多數的觀念都是生字的多寡影響英文學習成效及英文考試績效,坊間許多英語學習書都是以英語字彙為號召,例如:教育部所頒布的《九年一貫英語教學課程標準常用 1200 字彙》,《全民英檢高級 1500 字彙》、《國中小基本 2000 字彙》……到書店英語學習書的部門走一圈,放眼看去,幾乎都是英文單字書。和其他單字書不同的是,《全球化英語時代必備 1500 單字》不是以考試為取向,讀者若翻開書後的 1500 單字表,或許感到很疑惑?選擇這些單字的標準依據是什麼?
當初 Globish 創始團隊揀選這 1500 單字是有感於英語語系的國家的傳媒用語十分艱深,完全無視於外國人學習英文的痛苦。Globish 創始者 Jean-Paul Nerriere 是法國人,1965 年起在 IBM 電腦公司任職 27 年間,常在世界各地業務考察,據他觀察,非英語人士相互之間可以毫不費力地用簡單的英語談生意、話家常,於是他大聲呼籲:欲使英語成為真正的通行世界的語言,大家都應該廣泛使用簡而有力的單字和句子,在他看來,只要熟悉 Globish 1500 單字用法,用英語溝通當易如反掌。
揀選這 1500 個單字並非易事,首先由 Globish 團隊每日公司內部日誌開始身體力行:同仁用最簡單的字書寫工作日誌,並相互校閱,看是否有更簡單的字可以取代日誌中的某些字彙。經年累月下來,選出了 195 個常用字,接著再加上 500 個單字,其中 76 字是美語中常用名稱,127 字來自美國常用食物名、186 字來自商業常用語、111 字來動、植物名。另外 700 字則來自於字典(The Penguin Roget's College Thesaurus in Dictionary Form)
筆者當初編寫這本 Globish 1500 單字書時,不想違背 Globish 精神與初衷,既然簡單的字彙是需要活用的,所以不必拘泥於以 A、B、C、D... 單字的排列順序,用一個單字配一個句子,而是將生字群分為 14 個主題來呈現。 14 個主題多來自筆者逢甲大學畢業生的建議,這些學生畢業後到各行各業職場上工作,他們有些時候需要用英文自我介紹、用英文做簡報、用英文取消訂單、或用英文向人道賀、致歉或致哀……等等,這些場景其實都可以用 Globish 1500 單字清楚表達出來。
為了使 Globish 1500 單字更精準地表達各種場景中複雜的概念,我邀請美國哥倫比亞新聞研究所畢業的 Miranda Lin 與我合寫《全球化英語時代必備 1500 單字》。英語是 Miranda Lin 的母語,他曾在紐約大小報紙撰寫新聞稿,對職場用語毫不陌生,我們通篇只用 Globish 1500 單字便完成了各個場景的電子郵件篇、電話篇、口語篇、和簡報篇。每一課的每個單字,我們都列出不同的解釋與用法,以及該單字常用的詞類變化,其實,這也正是英文字複雜的地方,以三個 Globish 的生字為例:
◎ place 這個簡單的字可以當名詞,意指「地方」,也可以當動詞,意指「放置」,如 place a book on the table(放書在桌上)。還可以指「下訂單」place an order。
◎ stand 可以當動詞,意指「站立」,也可以當名詞意指「立場」,如 What is your stand?(你的立場是什麼?)
◎ ship 這個自當名詞時是「船」,當動詞時意指「運送」。它延伸的兩個名詞則是:shipping(運貨)和shipment(出貨)
所以看似簡單的 1500 單字,其實每個字都有深意。讀者不需要死背這些單字的中文意思,只需要瞭解並熟悉每個單字在不同場景的用法即可。
和 Miranda Lin 合寫完這本書,我們都很感謝一位中英文俱佳的加拿大的工程師 Charles Lin 幫我們悉心逐字校對,並提供中肯意見。讀者在研讀此書時若遇到任何問題,請寫信給我:wentingshu@gmail.com,我一定立即回答。最後希望《全球化英語時代必備 1500 單字》這本攜帶方便的書,可以使學生習得活用單字而不是死背單字的技巧,使職場的尖兵遇到英語書信或口語溝通的難題,都能在書中找到答案。
Miranda Lin
As a writer born and raised in Canada, I used to take languages for granted. Although both of my grand-parents were the first generation immigrants from Taiwan, English was my first language and it was never something I had to study; I simply said and wrote what’s “felt” right.
Then in the fall of 2011, I moved to Beijing, China to begin studying Mandarin-Chinese. It was my first time learning a new language and the first time I had to consciously think about how words and sentences were put together. It was also the first time I felt challenged by language.
2011 年我特地到北京去學中文,這是我第一次去學一個陌生的語言,第一次需要特別思考,如何把單字和句子組合起來。這也是我第一次感覺到語言對我的挑戰。
Like many of you, I spent hours both in and outside of class glued to my textbooks, diligently memorizing the vocabulary lists and grammar lessons. I bought additional dictionaries and reference books and mp3 discs so that every moment could be devoted to absorbing more words. According to our teachers, by the end of the year we had learned over 3,000 new words.
就像你們許多人一樣,我在中文課堂上以及課外時間盯着課本、認真地背生字、默默地記文法,還買了許多字典、參考書和 MP3 光碟,我沒有放棄任何一刻可以增加中文字彙的時間。老師說到這個學期,我們已經認識了 3000 個新的中文字詞。
But I soon realized that while I may have studied 3,000 new words, I did not know how to use 3,000 words. As soon as I put down my textbook and tried to engage with other people, I became confused and tongue-tied. I had crammed thousands of words and phrases into my brain, but had no idea which ones were appropriate for what situation.
但我很快發現即使學了 3000 個中文新字,卻不知道該如何去應用這 3000 個新字。一旦放下課本,要去跟人溝通的時候,我就傻了眼、舌頭一直打結。即使腦袋裡已經裝進了幾千個字詞,我卻不清楚到底在哪些場合可以應用哪幾個字詞。
The experience was frustrating, but also enlightening.
Language is not about memorizing the largest number of words; it’s about the ability to communicate and interact with other people. My co-author Wen Ting-shu and I therefore tried to avoid simply giving you yet another long list of terms that you had no idea how to apply to your daily life.
Instead, we started by creating the scenarios you are likely to encounter in your everyday life, and then chose the words needed to handle those situations. From organizing meetings to emailing your boss to just recommending a good restaurant to your friend, we have attempted to provide a vocabulary that you will actually need and use.
Many of the 1,500 selected words may seem simple or even below your skill level, but that is precisely the point. These are not words that need to be tediously memorized, but rather ones that are already familiar and thus can be easily employed in various situations.
這 1500 英文單字中,有些字看似簡單,甚至低於你的程度,但這正是溝通效能的核心所在。這些熟悉的字詞,你不須再花功夫去記誦,我們希望你在適當場合能夠很輕鬆地使用出來。
By focusing on basic but necessary words – and most importantly on how to use them practically – we hope we can make studying English useful, accessible, and enjoyable.
當務之急是把注意力集中在這 1500 個基本但卻是絕對必要的英文字詞上,並且實地活用單字。我們的目標是要幫助大家快樂地學習,靈活、有效地使用英文。
Miranda Lin
Unit 1 Making Introductions 介紹新進人員/自我介紹
Unit 2 Making Contact 建立關係
Unit 3 Asking for Information / Help 要求提供資訊或懇請協助
Unit 4 Making / Confirming / Changing / Canceling an Appointment 訂定/確認/更改/取消約會
Unit 5 Sending an Invitation 邀約
Unit 6 Giving Advice 提供意見
Unit 7 Expressing an Opinion 表達意見
Unit 8 Making a Complaint 抱怨
Unit 9 Giving a Presentation 做簡報
Unit 10 Giving a Recommendation 推薦
Unit 11 Sending Thanks 表達謝意
Unit 12 Sending Congratulations 道賀
Unit 13 Showing Sympathy 表達同情
Unit 14 Making Apologies 道歉
全球化英語 關鍵 1500 單字
Unit 1 Making Introductions 介紹新進人員/自我介紹
Unit 2 Making Contact 建立關係
Unit 3 Asking for Information / Help 要求提供資訊或懇請協助
Unit 4 Making / Confirming / Changing / Canceling an Appointment 訂定/確認/更改/取消約會
Unit 5 Sending an Invitation 邀約
Unit 6 Giving Advice 提供意見
Unit 7 Expressing an Opinion 表達意見
Unit 8 Making a Complaint 抱怨
Unit 9 Giving a Presentation 做簡報
Unit 10 Giving a Recommendation 推薦
Unit 1...