頤坊皮藝企業有限公司 創始人兼藝術總監
輔仁大學藝術學院文化創意學程 兼任助理教授
曾任 國立師範大學設計系 兼任助理教授
2019 總統府藝廊 「饗宴-幸福」展出
2018 義大利A’國際設計大獎「藝術工藝類」 銅獎
「紋革創生-馮斯蒂革工藝術展」 文山藝廊展出
2015,2016 「寶島台灣-經典工藝」 總統府藝廊展出
2014 考試院藝廊 「來自心海的悸動-會說話的工藝」展出
2013 《工不可沒、藝不可失-漢字表意皮革工藝技法與創作研究》 學術論文發表
2012 《漢字表意之皮革工藝設計意象初探》 學術論文發表
2012 國立台灣工藝研究發展中心 台北當代分館 「非常皮‧Fashion工藝─皮藝的無限延伸」協辦展出
1995 紐約中華新聞文化中心台北藝廊參展
1992 台南縣立文化中心 「馮斯蒂皮革藝術展」
1991 台灣工藝研究所 「馮斯蒂皮革生活藝術展」
1990 台中縣立文化中心 「馮斯蒂皮革藝術展」
1989 省立博物館 「頤坊皮藝 ‘89馮斯蒂師生展」
Ink in Motion
“Ideograms” are a type of symbol that represents language; it is also a culture. In the long course of history of the Chinese, the distinct characteristics of calligraphy have created a unique cultural heritage. The cursive style in calligraphy bears the beauty of writing and painting. Can the cursive characters come out from the two-dimensional vehicle? This question sparked the inspiration for creative thinking…
Using leather as a medium while fusing tree vines with tree lacquer, the artist has integrated part of the concept of “ink in motion” in cursive writing with life and nature; the natural beauty and texture of the piece can also be treasured.
The tree vines serve as a medium, which is fused with leather and melded with tree lacquer. The graceful appearance of cursive writing is displayed through different structures from multiple perspectives in the three-dimensional space of each piece; in the attempt to demonstrate the beauty and tension of the ink’s motion, achieving a balanced footing through the principle of leverage presents yet another challenge.
By applying the knowledge of aesthetics synthesis, the language of leathercraft is restructured. With the imprint of a new era, the aesthetics of the traditional Chinese cursive writing are reflected in the spirit of the East.
Cursive writing does not have a set form. Even though the beauty of the ink in motion seems unconstrained, it presents the beauty of metaphysical imagery.
墨運(一) Ink in Motion I
92cm x 33cm x 62cm
墨運(二) Ink in Motion II
92cm x 15cm x 62cm
墨運(三) Ink in Motion III
102cm x 62cm x 33cm
墨運(四) Ink in Motion IV
115cm x 33cm x 70cm
Ink in Motion
“Ideograms” are a type of symbol that represents language; it is also a culture. In the long course of history of the Chinese, the distinct characteristics of calligraphy have created a unique cultural heritage. The cursive style in calligraphy bears the be...
作者序 Preface 08
關於 About 12
根深.葉茂 Grass Roots & Thriving 16
陪伴 Companionship 20
展覽 Exhibit 22
起家 The Beginning 32
心中有愛 The Love Within 34
墨運 Ink in Motion 38
瑰姿艷逸 ,儀靜體閑 Rosa Elegancia 50
盼 Waiting 54
吉合 Bliss & Harmony 58
群動 Collective Sensing 62
半掩琵琶 Lute: Half Covered 72
牆裡牆外 Breaking Free 74
今昔 Now & Then 76
原聲曲線 Primal Sound Curves 78
蒂.連結 STi’s Web 86
思緒 Thoughts 94
富貴疊升 Elevating Prosperity 102
壽吉滿溢 Long Live Fortune 106
遷徙 Migration 110
獨處與共榮 A Single Bloom vs. A Sea of Blossoms 112
大地 The Good Earth 114
凝固的波浪 Still Waves 120
遠眺 Looking from Afar 122
作者序 Preface 08
關於 About 12
根深.葉茂 Grass Roots & Thriving 16
陪伴 Companionship 20
展覽 Exhibit 22
起家 The Beginning 32
心中有愛 The Love Within 34
墨運 Ink in Motion 38
瑰姿艷逸 ,儀靜體閑 Rosa Elegancia 50
盼 Waiting 54
吉合 Bliss & Harmony 58
群動 Collective Sensing 62
半掩琵琶 Lute: Half Covered 72
牆裡牆外 Breaking Free 74
今昔 Now & Then 76
原聲曲線 Primal Sound Curves 78
蒂.連結 STi’s Web 86