Author’s Note
1. Ghost Teacher’s Revenge
2. The Murder
3. Family Business
4. Outlaws for In-Laws
5. The Braggart
6. The Passive Orange
7. Appendix
Ghost Teacher’s Revenge
To the teacher …
The following skit can be done with the lines provided or you can add and improvise your own. This may be especially helpful for the class where one student has a higher level or is more aggressive than the others and can accept the challenge of playing the NEW TEACHER. This student can add other commands, illnesses, or parts of the body to make the script longer or to introduce spontaneity. The tone of the skit is already a little dark, so try to avoid getting the pain and suffering of NEW TEACHER too violent. GHOST TEACHER can also add to the spontaneity by changing and adding actions such as turning an air conditioner on or off, or a fan, or anything else that’s available. The class should copy the actions and the emotional reactions of NEW TEACHER during the drill and gradually become faster and more excited, building to a climax at the end when they run out of the room after NEW TEACHER. Try the whole scene with different teachers.
Notes in parenthesis ( ) are directions for the actors and director. They tell them what to say and do. They should not be spoken aloud. For example, if this phrase appears: (GHOST TEACHER is a man), then the students should say “he” and not “she.”
If you wish to do the production on a stage and not in a classroom, the opening of the door and window as well as the sounds that they make will be a problem. There are several ways that this can be solved. First, put a door and window on stage, hanging them with wires from the ceiling of the stage. A person on the side could create the sound effects.
Don Gilleland
資深英文教師,擅於透過戲劇方式,引導學生迅速掌握英語的訣竅,亦著有20-minute Plays(二十分鐘短劇,書林出版)。