Mind Your Grammar系列提供了活潑生動的單元,並配合插圖,讓想要學英文的朋友們能夠很快的記憶文法重點。每個文法重點後附有靈活有趣的練習題,學完文法後能夠馬上自我測驗,如此一來便能快速上手,活用英文。
此外,Mind Your Grammar系列分為三冊,由淺入深。初學英文者可選擇從第一冊開始閱讀,而已經具有英文基礎的學習者則可依個人程度選擇第二或第三冊。若能使用Mind Your Grammar系列按部就班的學習,相信必定能夠輕鬆的增進英文實力。
1. 文法重點:利用簡單的說明與範例來介紹基本的文法點
2. 練習題:複習每個文法點,並加深學習者對文法的瞭解與應用
3. FUN文法:輕鬆有趣的題目設計讓學習者能增進閱讀與思考技巧
4. 測驗題:學完5個單元後,自我測驗學習成果
5. 參考答案:練習題與測驗題均提供參考答案,並鼓勵學習者想出更有創意的答案
1. Simple Present Tense (Present Continuous Tense)
2. Simple Past Tense (Past Continuous Tense)
3. Simple Future Tense (Future Continuous Tense)
4. Regular and Irregular Verbs
5. To-Infinitives
Test 1 (Units 1-5)
6. Positive and Negative Sentences
7. Requests and Imperatives
8. Subject-Verb Agreement
9. Modals
10. Prepositions
Test 2 (Units6-10)
11. Wh-Question Words
12. Tag-Questions (and Responses)
13. Pronouns
14. Nouns
15. Quantifiers
Test 3 (Units 11-15)
16. Adjectives
17. Adverbs
18. Conjunctions
19. Prefixes and Suffixes
20. Punctuations
Test 4 (Units 16-20)
Suggested Answers
1. Simple Present Tense (Present Continuous Tense)
2. Simple Past Tense (Past Continuous Tense)
3. Simple Future Tense (Future Continuous Tense)
4. Regular and Irregular Verbs
5. To-Infinitives
Test 1 (Units 1-5)
6. Positive and Negative Sentences
7. Requests and Imperatives
8. Subject-Verb Agreement
9. Modals
10. Prepositions
Test 2 (Units6-10)
11. Wh-Question Words
12. Tag-Questions (and Responses)
13. Pronouns
14. Nouns
15. Quantifiers
Test 3 (Units 11-15)
16. Adjectives