Conferences have become one of the most effective ways to generate and disseminate knowledge on important issues. This book touches on all aspects of a conference. With it, readers can become more familiar with the specific vocabulary and phrases used in an English conference.
The author of the book served as the first WTO ambassador of Taiwan from 2002 to 2005. Throughout the book, readers will become equipped with knowledge of how to function in different roles for business, political, or academic conferences.
Dr. Yen is currently the Chair Professor of Law in CK Yen Foundation, Soochow University. Serving as finance minister from 2000 to 2002, he brought about the first-ever financial reform to Taiwan’s financial market. A longtime expert in GATT/WTO law, Dr. Yen was appointed to serve as Taiwan’s first WTO ambassador from 2002 to 2005. He also has been a prolific author of taxation and GATT/WTO law.
Preface 自序 9
Prologue 前言 11
Chapter 1 Preparing to Be a Moderator
1.0 Introduction
引言 18
1.1 Housekeeping
不宜輕忽的細節 20
1.2 Formal Introduction of the Panel and of a Keynote Speaker
介紹場次及主講或與談人 30
1.3 Key Points about Being a Good Moderator
成功主持人的要素 42
1.4 Steering the Conversation in the Right Direction
正確引導會談方向 59
1.5 Communication with the Audience
與聽眾溝通 71
1.6 Bringing to Conclusion
做好結語 77
Chapter 2 Refine Your English for Being a Panelist
2.0 Introduction
引言 84
2.1 Expressing Appreciation to the Moderator
向主持人致謝 87
2.2 Expressing Your Opinion
暢述意見 96
2.3 Addressing the Audience
向聽眾講話 107
2.4 Anticipating the Comments from Fellow-Panelists
回應同場與談人的評論 114
2.5 Holding Ground in the Face of Disagreement
異議時掌握論據 121
2.6 Answering Questions
回答問題 127
Chapter 3 Being a General Participant at a Conference
3.0 Introduction
引言 138
3.1 Understanding Role as an Important Contributor
認知您的貢獻角色 140
3.2 Making Point Clear and Concise
清晰扼要敘述論點 147
Chapter 4 Establishing the Correct Tone for Conferences
4.0 Introduction
引言 154
4.1 Formulating Main Ideas
形成主要理念 158
4.2 Setting the Level of Urgency
設定輕重緩急語調 165
4.3 Refining Phrases: For and Against Something
贊成或反對的修辭 176
4.4 Work with Modal Verbs: Escalation of Tones
強化語調的動詞例示 182
4.5 The Difference between Serious, Playful and Humorous Language
莊重、輕鬆與幽默文句的差異 190
Chapter 5 Negotiating at the WTO and for the Other Trade Pacts
5.0 Introduction
引言 202
5.1 Delivering a Powerful Introduction
如何生動發言 207
5.2 Multilateral versus Bilateral Negotiations
多邊暨雙邊談判 216
Chapter 6 Preparing for Social Functions
6.0 Introduction
引言 228
6.1 Presiding over a Dinner Party
主持晚宴 231
6.2 Socializing a Casual Reception
參與酒會 240
6.3 Being a Welcomed Guest
做好受歡迎的客人 247