Robert Dawson
To the student
This is a basic vocabulary book for students getting ready for the Basic Competence Test in Taiwan. There are 1200 words grouped into categories with a short self check quiz at the end of each unit.
Besides the basic list of words, we have also tried to give our readers a head start in the future by including words that are related to the root words provided. For example, in the entry for bank, we have included words such as bank book, riverbank and banker.
You do not need to study all the units in order from beginning to end. It is better to choose a unit that interests you and read that first. For example if you want to remember the numbers, read that unit first. Mark the words that especially difficult for you so you can easily refer to that again the next time you read that unit. In this way, you will slowly reduce the number of challenging words and make it easier for yourself to focus on the words that you really need to study.
Learning English should be relevant and interesting to you. I recommend reading this book for a short time each day so it will be fresh and you will remember a little each time. There really is no shortcut. It is very difficult and ultimately self-defeating to try to read and memorize words by rote. Instead, read until you think you have learned a few new words over many readings instead of trying to learn many new words during few readings.
Learning English is similar to learning music or a sport. You must slowly build up the ability based on a long term effort. Try to find something interesting for yourself. You may enjoy watching movies, singing songs or making friends and speaking to them in English.
We hope this book will be a useful guide for you in your path to becoming proficient in English.
這是一本為在台灣所有預備國中基測的同學所寫的基礎字彙書,全書共1200單字,依詞性類別排列,每一單元結束時另附自行測驗試題。書中除了詳列基本字彙外,我們也試著藉由補充相關字根的衍生詞彙,以作為讀者日後學習的開端,例如在bank(銀行)一字的解釋中,本書還列舉bank book(存摺)、riverbank(河岸)及banker(銀行家)等衍生詞彙。