全新銀色書封 + 50週年書盒 典藏上市1969年的某天,艾瑞.卡爾用打洞機時靈機一動,做了一本綠色小蟲把書本吃出洞洞的書,取名叫《威利蟲的一星期》。他拿給編輯安.班納杜斯看,但是安.班納杜斯覺得,最後威利蟲吃飽了去睡覺的結局不太完整。於是她建議:「綠色的小蟲不太討喜,毛毛蟲怎麼樣?」艾瑞.卡爾脫口而出接著說:「蝴蝶!」從此以後,一本講好餓的毛毛蟲不停的鑽洞,最後蛻變成蝴蝶的圖畫書問世了。
3~8歲圖畫書:《畫了一匹藍馬的畫家》、《畫一個星星給我》、《好慢好慢的樹懶》、《小種籽》、《海馬先生》、《小羊和蝴蝶》、《你要去哪裡,去看我朋友》、《我會讀英文遊戲寶盒》、《艾瑞卡爾創意童話寶盒》、《艾瑞卡爾 好朋友》、《好餓的毛毛蟲立體洞洞書:50週年紀念版》等。
艾瑞.卡爾(Eric Carle)
艾瑞.卡爾被稱為色彩的魔術師,他用獨一無二的色紙,拼貼出全世界最知名的毛毛蟲。《好餓的毛毛蟲》被翻譯成60多種語言版本,全球銷量超過 5000 多萬冊,堪稱圖畫書界的聖經!
艾瑞.卡爾曾說過:「我的作品是書也是玩具」,有的可以用手指鑽來鑽去,有的會發出蟋蟀的叫聲,有的摸得到蜘蛛網……每本都深受孩子喜愛,且榮獲紐約時報年度最佳童書、義大利波隆那書展設計大獎等 70 多次國際性大獎,近年又獲得美國圖書館協會授予羅拉.英格爾.懷爾特獎,肯定他作品的藝術性。2002 年他成立了艾瑞.卡爾圖畫書美術館,成為美國第一座圖畫書美術館。
Dear Friends,
The Very Hungry Caterpillar is turning 50 and I will be 90!
It is one of the joys of my life that my book, first published in 1969, continues to delight readers of all ages around the world. China, Croatia, Israel, Egypt, Greece, Japan, Germany, Spain, Russia, Mongolia—all over the planet, children and teachers and parents and grandparents and librarians are reading my story and turning the pages, putting a tiny finger through the hole in a strawberry or a pear, and enjoying the bright, colorful wings of the butterfly when it appears.
I am very, very grateful to every single reader and friend of the caterpillar for these wonderful years together. A golden anniversary for the caterpillar and the butterfly.
Thank you to all, and here’s to 50 more!
Eric Carle
Dear Friends,
The Very Hungry Caterpillar is turning 50 and I will be 90!
It is one of the joys of my life that my book, first published in 1969, continues to delight readers of all ages around the world. China, Croatia, Israel, Egypt, Greece, Japan, Germany, Spain, Russia, Mongolia—all over the planet, children and teachers and parents and grandparents and librarians are reading my story and turning the pages, putting a tiny finger through the hole in a strawberry or a pear, and enjoying the...