《時尚風雲25年( 1987-2012)》是被譽為「香港首位真正時裝權威」的作者王麗儀自大學畢業後踏足時尚行業的25周年紀念作,也是她的時尚奧德賽漂流記──與逆境搏鬥, 孤獨地追尋夢想,重新發現自己,並見證著中外時尚圈的風雲變幻,潮流的興衰更替。
本書告訴你一切你想知道關於中外時尚圈的真實故事 。由1980年代中期國際時尚雜誌中文版和高端大品牌陸續進入香港後,象徵東西方時尚直接接軌,作者通過她的親身經歷,呈現時尚產業和媒體的不同發展歷程、潮流的轉變。她 並娓娓道來成長路上的時尚淵源、事業的甘苦、奮鬥和夢想、最難忘的中西交流經驗,以及與中外權力大腕的關係、設計師的往來互動、國際超模、香港明星和名人合作的掌故點滴等。
“My first impression of Janice when I met her was “Wow!” Here is a young Chinese girl with such enthusiasm to learn all about English designers that I had to help her whenever possible because it was obvious that fashion was her passion.
She was “hungry” – not literally, but in her determination to learn as much as she could whilst she was here, which was wonderful for Browns too because we’re always looking for inspiration in young people, whether they’re students studying fashion, art or literature, because if there’s a natural talent there we can further their ambitions.
Therefore it was with great happiness that I met up with Janice again, a decade later, and to know that she had achieved the success that she had aspired to.”──Joan Burstein CBE (Founder of Browns London)
王麗儀(Janice Wong)
著名時尚作家及資深媒體人,被CNN稱譽為「香港首位真正時裝權威」,1987年踏足時尚媒體圈,是國際中文版時尚雜誌於80年代中後期進入香港的第一代編輯,也是華語媒體自1995年起首位親赴歐美時裝周作實況報導的時裝編輯,率先引進西方第一手時尚信息及原創報導於華語媒體市場,帶起風潮。見證不少國際設計師的出道和成長、以及時尚圈和媒體界的風雲變幻。2010年出版《我的時尚騷靈》紀錄與18位國際時裝大師的交手經歷。目前專注於寫作,時裝專欄見於香港《晴報》、《號外》以及內地中國版《Madame Figaro》和《風尚周報》,亦為香港和內地ELLE.Com的特約名家博主。個人網站 www.janicewong.org。