1 英語運用入門須知
‘ Give us the tools, and we will finish the job.’ —─Winston L. S. Churchill
2 「差不多」也可以?
3 似是而非須認知
3.1 表面差不多,實質差得多──homonym
3.2 eye與aye同音,但意思截然不同
3.3 go to the bar是上酒吧嗎?
3.4 bark通常與狗隻和樹木並提,但也另有解釋
3.5 在品嚐可口的雪糕時,可有想到scoop另有解釋
3.6 看來同樣,讀也同音,意則有異
3.7 have the hang of it和hang dry意義不同
4 中、英語譯之謬以千里
Can't you see? You kidding?
5 量詞有別要分明
6 數目詞彙宜認清
7 比喻詞知多少?
7.1 figures of speech(比喻的詞藻)有助修辭
7.2 以物喻物,活化文章
9 詞組巧配顯新義
9.1 細意選用介詞,一方面以防出錯,亦可從中取樂
9.2 phrasal verbs表達多元化意義
9.3 同一動詞配上不同介詞,變化多不勝數,例如go back on、go far
9.4 see配上through、into,意義不同
9.5 take配上over、after、out、up、off,意義變化多端
10 「中英對照」語相關
10.1 To be good for nothing一無是處、To be Jack of all trades
10.2 生活中的中英相關語,have his fling為所欲為、the tables turned世界輪流轉
10.3 To live and learn活到老、學到老、To use a fire to fight fire以毒攻毒
10.4 Great minds think alike. 英雄所見略同
10.5 a miss is as good as a mile差之毫釐,謬以千里
11 比喻詞句譯
11.1 利用常見物體比喻某動作、物體或狀態
11.2 as dull as dishwater極度沉悶、as fit as a fiddle朝氣勃勃
11.3 a heart as good as gold純良的好心腸、as hard as nails心如鐵石
11.4 as silly as a goose為人愚笨、as slippery as an eel難以捉摸
12 暗喻、隱喻
the fly in the ointment敗事份子、a fly on the wheel螳臂擋車
13 比喻詞句譯
as hoarse as a crow沙啞如鴉、as mad as hatter瘋瘋癲癲
14 措辭不當妙趣生
14.1 誤把obliterate當作illiterate
14.2 前美國總統布殊措辭不當:”We cannot let terrorists and rogue nations hold this nation hostile or hold our allies hostile.”
14.3 日常措辭不當的例子