推薦序二:陳成基 004
推薦序三:陳圖安 005
馬榮德 012
東方之珠 Pearl of the Orient
黃永強 016
懷舊鴨腳包 Traditional Duck Feet Rolls
何沛鏞 020
香煎雪蛤膏伴玉簪田雞腿 Pan-fried Hasma Patties with Frog Leg Skewers
劉振權 024
雞油花雕金腿蒸馬友 Steamed Fourfinger Threadfin with Chicken Fat, Shaoxing Wine and Ham
江肇祺 028
花樣年華 Flowery Ages Appetizer Platter
梁偉舜 032
香脆鮮蝦三文魚石榴果 Deep-fried Beggar's Purses with Shrimp and Salmon Filling
陸澤光 036
麼麼三文魚 Mo Mo Salmon Rolls
何偉成 040
桂花粉絲炒鮮蟹肉 Scrambled Egg with Crabmeat and Mung Bean Vermicelli
楊劍明 044
鮑魚焗釀牛油果 Baked Avocado Stuffed with Abalone
楊源益 048
蜜汁叉燒釀脫骨鱔 Deep-fried White Eel Stuffed with Honey-glazed Barbecue Pork
饒璧臣 052
玉麟魚躍逐金波 Goldfish Dumplings in Spinach Pond with Lobster and Sea Urchin
劉思佑 056
燒椒牡丹水晶蝦球 Peony Prawn in Grilled Red Bell Pepper Puree
羅克聲 060
松露法葱片皮雞Crispy Skin Chicken with Black Truffle and French Chives
陳啟德 064
辣子雞 Chongqing-style Fried Chicken Cubes with Chillies and Sichuan Peppercorns
黃浩初 068
脆皮牛肋骨 Braised Beef Short Ribs in Speciality Sauce
梁耀基 072
野菌上湯燴佛手瓜 Chayote Stuffed with Assorted Mushrooms
鄧家濠 076
杏仁濃湯煎花膠 Pan-fried Fish Maw Steaks in Chicken Almond Milk
黃永昌 080
嶺南精緻小品 A Trio of Lingnan Classics
黃隆滔 084
吉品滿華堂 Braised Yoshihama Abalones in Abalone Sauce
鄭國森 088
啫啫蒜香斑頭腩 Sizzling Grouper Head and Belly in Clay Pot
尹達剛 092
蹄筋燴刺參 Braised Spiny Sea Cucumber with Beef Sinew
周世韜 096
金錢玉透 Barbecue Pork Medallion Skewers
洪志光 100
薑葱蝦乾千層鮮蟹鉗 Crab Claws with Dried Prawns, Ginger and Spring Onion
陳啟漢 104
布袋和尚 Gluten Balls Stuffed with Assorted Mushrooms
李志偉 108
金湯蟹鉗酥豆腐 Crab Claws on Fried Tofu in Saffron Glaze
譚章亮 112
出水芙蓉 Steamed Pumpkin Egg Custard with Shrimp Glaze
陳國強 116
菌皇焗走地雞 Grilled Chicken Stuffed with Assorted Mushrooms
梁汝景 120
三葱三脆炒龍蝦球Stir-fried Lobster with Onion Trio and Crispy Rice
林鈺明 124
乾隆八寶鴨 Eight-treasure Duck
李漢華 128
太史五蛇羹Classic Snake Soup
莊港基 132
老菜脯半煎煮東星斑 Leopard Coral Grouper Fillet with Dried Radish
黃文杰 136
白雪龍皇炒麵 Lobster Fried Noodles with Creamy Scrambled Egg White
施超群 140
蜀香辣椒醬杜泊羊排 Dorper Lamb Chops in Sichuan Chilli Sauce
黃耀生 144
沙律煙鯧魚 Smoked Pomfret with Fruit Salad
葉志祥 148
蜜餞雲腿伴雞油菌炒田雞 Stir-fried Frog Meat with Chanterelles and Candied Yunnan Ham
談錫麟 152
摩利菌花蛤煎煮斑球 Braised Grouper Fillet with Clams and Morels
鄧浩宏 156
松本茸椰皇焗鮮蟹肉 Baked Crabmeat with Coconut and Matsumoto Mushrooms
陳智斌 160
乳香粉葛扣黑豚腩 Braised Iberico Pork Belly with Kudzu in Fermented Tarocurd Sauce
萬樹奇 164
天長地久 Deep-fried Pork Intestine Stuffed with Sweet Potato
何寶龍 168
麻辣千頁龍蝦 Lobster and Thousand-layer Tofu in Ma La Sauce
陳國偉 172
步步高陞 Pork Soft Palate with Duck Feet and Pigeon Eggs
葉振文 176
新會老陳皮黑醋骨 Braised Pork Ribs in Balsamic with Aged Tangerine Peel
鍾錦榮 180
溫室南瓜慢煮帶子 Sous-vide Scallops with Hothouse Pumpkin
李家鋌 184
羅望子甜醋紅燒肉配脆飯球 Braised Pork Belly in Tamarind Vinegar Sauce with Crispy Rice Balls
江建英 188
避風塘香辣蟹 Spicy Fried Crab in Typhoon Shelter Style
劉達峰 192
四色生肉卷 Tofu Skin Rolls with Four-coloured Beef Filling
索引 Index 207
推薦序二:陳成基 004
推薦序三:陳圖安 005
馬榮德 012
東方之珠 Pearl of the Orient
黃永強 016
懷舊鴨腳包 Traditional Duck Feet Rolls
何沛鏞 020
香煎雪蛤膏伴玉簪田雞腿 Pan-fried Hasma Patties with Frog Leg Skewers
劉振權 024
雞油花雕金腿蒸馬友 Steamed Fourfinger Threadfin with Chicken Fat, Shaoxing Wine and Ham
江肇祺 028
花樣年華 Flowery Ages Appetizer Platter
梁偉舜 032
香脆鮮蝦三文魚石榴果 Deep-fried Beggar's Purses with Shrimp and Salmon Filling