'We need to pay tribute to the pioneers and record their memories so that we would have a legacy for those, like us, who succeed them and gain from their contributions and, at times, sacrifices. …We should thank the editors for compiling this compendium.' - The Hon. Timothy T. T. Fok, President, Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China
'Much thought, word and deed played an effective part in the making of a new Hong Kong for sport. Indeed, many men and women worked with dedication over the years for the common good. And, to them credit is due.' - Mr A. de O. Sales, Hon. Life President, Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China
'In the absence of a sports museum in Hong Kong, this book serves as a record of an important aspect of life and society of the colony. It is also a proper channel to pay tribute to the pioneers who helped so much in the development of sports and the athletes whose achievements made us proud.' - Professor Adam Lui, formerly of the History Department, Hong Kong