Awakened from their deep slumber, the vampire’s patriarch forged an unexpected alliance with the land's most formidable foe. Imbued with Lucifer’s blood, the patriarch marched forwards to consume the world under the fallen angel’s lead.
In a distant land, an ascetic and reclusiveman practising a life of solitude obtained unwanted visions of an upcoming calamity. Finding the mysterious chosen ones in his visions in order to save the world is a different agenda. Aiding the leaders of the different races of elves and humans to complete a common mission is another; as each of them has their own personal agendas, which would somehow sabotage the entire mission.
Though the Sun Elves and the Moon Elves have been living in harmony, there has been a sacred rule against any interracial relationships. Disturbed by the virgin feeling of affection growing in the Moon Elf Prince’s heart towards the fair Sun Elf Princess, he has to make a decision. Would the young Prince lead his comrades to victory over the vile, unearthly creatures and find his lost brother, or would he succumb to his own lustful desires?