Weiwei Huang is a professor at the School of Business, Renmin University of China, and previously headed the Business School’s Department of Management Science and Engineering. He received the Master’s Degree in Economics from the Industrial Economics Department of Renmin University of China. He is also a visiting scholar at the Desautels Faculty of Management of McGill University, the Ivey Business School of the University of Western Ontario, and the University at Buffalo School of Management.
His research interests include production and operations management, entrepreneurial management, and management policies. He is the author of Production and Operations Management, EVA Management Model, and Asymmetric Competition. He has served as a senior management consultant of Huawei since 1996 and was involved in drafting The Huawei Charter. He is also the editor-in-chief of several published works, including Out of Chaos, Dedication--The Huawei Philosophy of Human Resource Management, Customer Centricity--The Huawei Philosophy of Business Management, and Built on Value--The Huawei Philosophy of Finance Management Philosophy.