Tom Schermer has spent decades as a business owner and as an agent for various large corporations. In this he found that helping competing parties devise a mutually beneficial solution was the most effective and profitable way to resolve disputes. When later studying mass communication while completing a Bachelor in Journalism Tom noticed that the same conflict occurred between the stakeholders in news stories. With a hobby of investing in shares he saw the potential of reputational crises to make positive impacts on companies, stakeholders, and shareholders alike.
Taking his approach to resolving conflict with mutually beneficial outcomes, Tom enrolled in a PhD program researching reputational crises. Despite the volumes of literature on reputational crises, at best a few authors hinted at the possibility of changing the way things were done. Unwilling to write a thesis that supported ineffective theories, Tom combined everything he had learned in research, business, communications, and relationships into this book with the view to improve how reputational crises are handled, and improve outcomes for everyone involved.