Introduction.- Part I: The Building Blocks.- Chap. 1: From the Newtonian Age to the Quantum Age.- Chap. 2: Defining Elements of Quantum Systems.- Chap. 3: What Is Quantum Management?.- Chap. 4: Implementing Quantum Management: RenDanHeyi Business Model.- Chap. 5: The Tao of Quantum Management.- Part II: The Quantum Person/Employee.- Chap. 6: I Am the Universe.- Chap. 7: I Am a Particle & a Wave.- Chap. 8: I Am a Multitude.- Chap. 9: I Make the World.- Chap.10: The Motivations That Drive Me.- Part III: The Quantum Leader.- Chap. 11: A Leader of Leaders.- Chap. 12: Twelve Principles of Quantum Leadership.- Chap. 13: Thinking Principles & Skills of the Quantum Leader.- Part IV: The Quantum Organization.- Chap. 14: What Makes A Quantum Organization?.- Chap. 15: Haier: A Maker’s Culture.- Chap. 16: Roche India: A Purpose Driven Culture.- Chap. 17: GE Appliances: An American Catalyst.- Chap. 18: Other Companies Featuring Quantum Management Principles.- Chap.19: US Army Special Operations Task Force: RenDanHeyi for the Military.- Part V: The Quantum Society.- Chap. 20: What Is a Quantum Society?.- Chap. 21: Governing a Quantum Society: Two Great Experiments.- Chap. 22: A Quantum Global Order.- Conclusion: The Quantum World View.