Chapter - 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction.
1.1.1 Ship Repairing
1.1.2 Background knowledge of users
1.1.3 Experience sharingChapter - 2: Data Collection and Illustrations
2.1 Presentation of collected data in tabular form.
2.2 Illustrations of collected data in graphical form in terms of distribution of various variables like 2.2.1 Age
2.2.2 Deadweight
2.2.3 Type
2.2.4 Repairing Time
2.2.5 Docking Time
2.2.6 Repairing Labor
2.2.7 Docking Labor2.2.8 Hull Blasting and Painting Renewal Area
2.2.9 Structural Steel Renewal Weight
2.2.10 Structural Member Renewal Frequency
Chapter - 3: Analysis of Repairing Time
3.1 Repairing Time vs Age
3.2 Repairing Time vs Deadweight
3.3 Repairing Time vs Type
3.4 Repairing Time vs Hull Blasting and Painting Area
3.5 Repairing Time vs Structural Steel Renewal Weight
3.6 Repairing Time vs Piping Renewal Length.
3.7 Regression and Validation Results.
3.8 Discussions.
Chapter - 4: Analysis of Docking Time4.1 Docking Time vs Age
4.2 Docking Time vs Deadweight
4.3 Docking Time vs Type
4.4 Docking Time vs Hull Blasting and Painting Area.
4.5 Regression and Validation Results.
4.6 Discussions.
Chapter - 5: Analysis of Repairing Labor
5.1 Repairing Labor vs Age
5.2 Repairing Labor vs Deadweight5.3 Repairing Labor vs Type
5.4 Repairing Labor vs Hull Blasting and Painting Area
5.5 Repairing Labor vs Structural Steel Renewal Weight
5.6 Repairing Labor vs Piping Renewal Length.
5.7 Regression and Validation Results.
5.8 Discussions.
Chapter - 6: Analysis of Docking Labor
6.1 Docking Labor vs Age
6.2 Docking Labor vs Deadweight
6.3 Docking Labor vs Type
6.4 Docking Labor vs Hull Blasting and Painting Area.
6.5 Regression and Validation Results.
6.6 Discussions.
Chapter - 7: Hull Coating Renewal Area
7.1 Hull Blasting and Painting Renewal Area vs Age
7.2 Hull Blasting and Painting Renewal Area vs Deadweight
7.3 Hull Blasting and Painting Renewal Area vs type
7.4 Hull Blasting and Painting Renewal Area vs Hull Total Area
7.5 Hull Blasting and Painting Renewal Area vs Hull Dimensions.
7.6 Regression and Validation Results.
7.7 Discussions.
Chapter - 8: Structural Steel Renewal Weight
8.1 Structural Steel Renewal Weight vs Age
8.2 Structural Steel Renewal Weight vs Deadweight
8.3 Structural Steel Renewal Weight and Type.
8.4 Regression and Validation Results.
8.5 Discussions.
Chapter - 9: Structural Steel Renewal Location
9.1 Structural Steel Renewal Locations vs Principal dimensions
9.2 Structural Steel Renewal Locations vs Age
9.3 Structural Steel Renewal Locations vs Length.
9.4 Discussions