Seong Ho Jun is a Professor at the Academy of Korean Studies. He received a BA, MA and Ph.D. in Economics from SungKyunKwan University, South Korea. He conducted his postdoctoral research at The University of Oxford, United Kingdom. He has taught at Goethe University Frankfurt Germany and has published in 12 peer reviewed English journals indexed in A&HCI, SSCI SCOPUS in the field of accounting history, economic history, including The Journal of Economic History, Research in Economic History, Financial History Review, Economics and Human Biology, and has also co-authored Kaesŏng Double Entry Bookkeeping (KDEB) in a Global Perspective Volumes I and II (2016) with James B. Lewis and The Sagae Songdo Chibubeob for Practical Use and Self-Study Double Entry Accounting in the Medieval Far East (2018) with Byung T. Ro and Key-sook Jung.