In today’s globalized world, universities strive for excellence by aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and competing in research. Global universities aim to benefit future generations and promote cooperation through exchange programs and research collaborations. This book emphasizes long-term planning, research focus, financial management, online learning, community engagement, and sustainable development goals as integral aspects of global university success. It also demonstrates that universities should prioritize societal values over rankings and popularity. The book is divided into two parts. The first part delves into the global strategies for establishing successful universities worldwide, highlighted by the vice-chancellors and presidents from renowned universities of the world. The second part discusses pilot projects and experiences from Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT), along with successful case studies contributing to top-tier university development. It highlights that collaboration among universities, research institutions, and industries as well as leadership, strategic decision-making, and aligning missions with globalization goals are crucial for success. For any university in the world, including young universities aiming to become one of the top global universities within a specific timeframe and improve its ranking locally as well as globally, this is the right book as it showcases worldwide expert opinions and case studies.